How do I make him realize he broke me...?

2016-08-01 7:24 am
I am a fourteen year old girl, I know all of y'all are probably thinking "oh my god this is so pathetic go do your homework" but y'all might be surprised to know that almost half of teenage girls are depressed, and adults telling them to get over themselves, or do there homework doesn't help them. I know some of my friends are depressed. I've never cut myself, but I always felt lonely.. Until I met this boy named Ethan. We were pretty serious. He seemed so sweet and he always complimented me and acted like we were just... Perfect. Like we were meant to be. We were together maybe a few months when I got a text from my best friend saying she was at a pool party and Ethan was there and he kept flirting with her. Soon I got a text saying "we are over" my other friend who was also there told me all the details and they tried to kiss but the life guard stopped them. I have been crying for days. I feel like it would really mess with him if he knew how broken I am now. I don't talk to him. I haven't since he sent that message. I said "okay" and we haven't talked since. I'm just... So hurt. I loved him. He broke my heart. I want him to feel bad. Does anyone know how I could make him realize he broke me without texting or talking or letting him see me in person? Thank you... Any ideas are greatly appreciated. I just don't wanna be one of those depressed teenage girls... Thank you!

回答 (16)

2016-08-01 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
One thing I learned, is that letting a guy know how much you're "broken" over him is a bad idea, and usually pointless. Acting strong, even if you're not will affect him more than being miserable. It would be like letting him know he won, and some guys feel empowered by that. I know it's easier said than done. Believe me, I've been there. And I've made the mistake of being completely vulnerable and I just looked desperate and like a loser. Emotional strength is going to be your best friend. You're young, so try to learn how to do that now. You're going to need it in future serious relationships. Being strong is going to be a lot more attractive to the right type of guys. Being vulnerable and looking desperate will only attract guys looking to control you and take advantage of you. Be strong sweetie.
2016-08-02 4:06 am
Oh you poor thing. I'm 14 too. I'm a teenager like you and I've never had my heart broken but I know how you just feel. Keep your head up girlfriend. It will get better. He's one guy. And I know he might feel important now but one day you'll find a guy who will make all of this worth it. Good luck.
2016-08-01 7:35 pm
Hi! :) I'm fourteen too. Ughhh, relationships suck, don't they? The best thing you can do is to be strong and shove it in his face and let him know what he's missing out on. Stay positive on social media and force a smile on your face when walking by him, show him that he didn't mean anything to you. And even better, go find another guy and make him jealous. Just stay strong, especially around him. we're so vulnerable at this age and it makes break ups 100x worse ..
參考: being a depressed teenager :/
2016-08-01 7:57 am
Maybe you could show him that he is at a loss, by making him guilty. What does he like about you when you were together? For example, if he has always liked you wearing a dress, you could put them on regularly with extra "dolled up" making him feel like he is at loss for casting you aside. And when he comes crawling back to you, asking you for another date or something, you should say "sorry im not interested". You have to be disciplined by saying no to him if you really want to move on. If you have soft spot for his sweet talks, you will regret it because he will do it over and over again. Stop wasting your life over him.
2016-08-16 10:16 pm
its time to move goes have to deal with have to get back out there,make new friends and be happy... you should start reading dating books for teenagers...use the time to be wiser from your experiences and be better off in the future...learn from the past...learn to recognise the warning signs but also look for good signs too... at your age its a learning experience so you'll make your way into your adult life and find the right one to share your life with...
2016-08-03 1:38 am
I don't know what it is like to be a 14 year old girl, and I am assuming my experience as a 14 year old isn't applicable here.
Just have your friends know that if he or anyone in his party/posse asks about you, that your friends are supposed to tell him his actions were not appropriate and that you were hurt by them. Have them be ready to repeat that like it is a script; they don't have to know it verbatim, but the gist of it obviously.
Try to move on. You are very young after all. Focus on everything else. If I had to put money down, you'll get over it. Don't hold you're breathe - just focus on your life. After all, we all take life one day at a time. People before you were able to make it, so can you.
2016-08-02 8:51 pm
He is a jerk and doesn't care. He has no remorse. Live a happy life. Best medecine.
2016-08-02 2:45 pm
I'm sure he knows, listen guys are jerks, not all but the majority of them are. They are far more immature then girls at every age( even adult men). We see the full picture they see the beginning, and the end. Be strong!Goodluck
2016-08-02 10:39 am
After reading these responses, it's clear you only want to hurt him back.
Have you considered flirting with his friends.. Or hooking up with a friend of his? I don't mean sex. Just kissing. Like do you have a crush on any of them?
But I will still tell you that the best revenge is to do better and look as though u never needed them in the first place. That messes with their heads like no other. To remain unaffected.
2016-08-02 5:02 am
You are so young and you tell of your broken heart and I feel for you. Makes me think back to many years ago when I cried and cried over a boy I loved. There are so many more boys who will be lucky to have a chance with you. It hurts big time right now. You may never fully get over your first love. Think of this as an experience to learn from. I agree with the answer above saying to keep your head up, stay positive, stay busy with girlfriends and have fun. Sometimes, what we thought was love, was a stepping stone to our next adventure in love. Stay strong!
2016-08-02 4:40 am
Why even do that? Maybe he will only laugh and say you are pathetic anyway. He don't deserve to know he broke you. You seem like the type that would literally let a guy break her bank! Chaulk it up as an experience and try to find something else to do besides FALL in love with another jerk. You have a lot of life ahead of you to live and love.
2016-08-02 4:35 am
I'm so sorry first of all. And second your friend is not a real friend at all if they did that to you! And I know it's hard because guys don't realize how much they can hurt a girl. I know it's hard but I think instead of showing him how he broke you you should show him how much you've changed from this. I mean he probably wants to see that response of being lonely and broken from you and you shouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt but I suggest you show him your better than him and that you don't need people who only break you in your life
2016-08-01 6:43 pm
Just talk to a friend about it.
2016-08-01 6:37 pm
maybe meeting him and getting closure i know that when a guy stopped talking to me ( this isnt the same at all) out of the blue all i wanted was closure SO I COULD UNDERSTAND WHY. I know sometimes u just need to talk about it so u can leave it behind u. Also what i would say is see ur other friends like keep ur self busy so u dont let it affect u as much or u have time in the day when u dont focus on it
2016-08-01 4:04 pm
I'm somebody who has broken hearts before and had my heart broken several times. I know what it's like to feel used and discarded. I know what it's like to feel hopeless and depressed. But this is an instance where you need to forgive. Yes I know, he doesn't deserve it. If he deserved it then it wouldn't be forgiveness. Holding in that anger will only keep you from healing and when you write that letter and give it to him you won't hurt him, you'll only hurt yourself more. Trust me on this please. But don't give up. There is somebody out there for you. Just look for somebody who is kind above all else. Somebody willing to give you his jacket on a cold day and walk you back at night. Somebody who will love you for the beautiful wonderful person you are.
2016-08-01 9:58 am
Its time to move on.Life goes on.You have to deal with life.You have to get back out there,make new friends and be happy. You should start reading dating books for teenagers.Use the time to be wiser from your experiences and be better off in the future.Learn from the past.Learn to recognise the warning signs but also look for good signs too. At your age its a learning experience so you'll make your way into your adult life and find the right one to share your life with.
2016-08-01 7:53 am
Maybe write him a letter and tell him how heartbroken you are. Move on with your life you'll have many break up and make ups. I'm 29 years old and I've been through that when I was a teenager. I thought I was in love with this boy that broke up with me but I go over it... It's something every young teenager goes through. It's a part of life, you live and you learn.
參考: Been there done that.
2016-08-01 7:44 am
This guy shouldn't be considered a guy I would call him a Boy as the Boy is still growing into a guy, He will always use Girls to make himself feel better about himself, and what you said about Half of the teenage females being depressed, It is a lot higher then half. And what you are experiencing is what I call tough love. It's inadequate to use this in my opinion cause i am a male and I get told to grow up when I talk about my feelings, It resulted in me calling my girlfriend stuff I didn't mean even though I loved her and she dumped me and I tried to commit suicide 4x, You should talk to a school counciler or a trusted adult about how you feel
2016-08-01 7:34 am
You should totally ignore him ( and your friend) and recognise you had a lucky escape from a cheat. OK so you may be a little heartbroken at the moment, but by ignoring him, it will hurt him more than you. By letting him know how you feel, he may take pleasure from a nasty situation.
2016-08-01 7:32 am
Guys are stupid, don't even waste your time. At this age unless it affects them personally, they aren't gonna care. The best way to stick it to him is to show him how well you're doing without him! Have fun with your girlfriends and go out and meet new people. Its okay to be upset for a while, but know you can do much better and will one day find someone who would do anything for you and makes you happy..never settle for a guy!
2016-08-01 7:30 am
Honey, the way you can get back at him for this is to show him it doesnt bother you. If your facebook friends, [post about how much fun your having. Make him think that you never cared about him and that will really bother him. chin up girlfriend! You are a strong, independent young woman and this to shall pass. Try not to dwell on it, focus on friends, family, and school. This to sahll pass :)
2016-08-01 10:22 am
Okay I know you're sad right now, and that it actually does hurt a lot. You're probably even thinking of the things you have done wrong or why he did such things. Most people will tell you to just ignore him, that it's not the end of the world, that you're so much better than that (true tho), but when you're heartbroken it gets hard, right?
So here's my advice.
1. Figure out what you feel
2. Compare your feelings to a greater problem such as world hunger
3. Tell yourself you're being stupid and that you're so much better than that- tell yourself you're strong
4. Realize that Ethan guy is human and makes mistakes and that guys are less mature than girls
5. Breathe and maybe even repeat the process until you can see Ethan as just another boy (if possible)
6. Write him the truest most heartfelt letter (on your computer or whatever) and express how he broke your heart, but over an inmature/stupid thing and that you're better than that.
7. I mean, if you really want to tell him you can send him the letter through email, or even through a classmate
[+ I don't really believe in the "showing him you're having fun without him" technique because it contributes to lying to yourself and actually makes you feel worst]

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