Why can't blind people see the light? Why have they turned against God and choose the path of the Devil aka Atheism?

2016-08-01 7:17 am

Blind people need to see the light so they can be in heaven with God. If they choose Atheism they will have to spend eternity in Hell with SATAN.

回答 (8)

2016-08-01 10:57 am
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Why can't blind people see the light? Why have they turned against God and choose the path of the Devil aka Atheism?

Because according to your book, your god made us both deaf and blind. And then you think he's going to punish us for all eternity for something he did. And you worship the idea of such a monster!

In reality, there are not gods (or Satan).
2016-08-01 7:20 am
Blind people can't see light *because* they're blind.

However, they can still have the properties of light explained to them. Any reasonable blind person would conclude light exists when presented with evidence for it.

So what's your evidence for gods?
2016-08-01 7:24 am
Shut up you retarded goat
2016-08-01 8:03 am
Darling, you're a hateful sheep.
2016-08-01 7:21 am
Because why would god punish them by making them blind. Or at the very least not tell them why.
2016-08-01 8:55 am
No gods = no satins. Simple truth for the thinking mind!
2016-08-01 7:40 am
No, it's because their eyes do not work.
2016-08-01 4:24 pm
ONLY a brain dead fundie could be this stupid. We do not consider ANY deity real and satan is one of those.
2016-08-01 8:10 am
Satan keeps blinding people by distracting them with the things of the world.

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