I have decided to nix food at my wedding and have hot coffee and bagels with butter. the wedding will still be at 6 pm though?

2016-08-01 3:28 am
Is that ok? If they want more food idk what to tell them

回答 (5)

2016-08-01 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Then don't bother inviting anyone.
2016-08-01 3:29 am

8 months ago you were 16 years old
4 days ago you were 29.

The key to good trolling -- keep your stories straight.
2016-08-01 3:40 am
Weird wedding, glad im not going
2016-08-01 8:53 pm
Sorry but that is rude. If the wedding is 6pm and you don't have a dinner set up, people will be very upset. Hot coffee and bagels will NOT cut it. I wish you luck but you may have a very small amount of people at your wedding now.
2016-08-01 3:28 am
2016-08-02 5:45 pm
You can do whatever you want, but please specify this on the the invitation. Something like: "Ceremony 5:30, bagel and coffee served at 6 pm. " also expect people to give you slightly less gift money as gifts typically "cover your plate". Good luck !
2016-08-01 12:32 pm
let people know its just a wedding and not a reception. i think though bagels is not appropriate for 6pm, finger food is good tho
2016-08-01 11:24 am
Boring troll is boring.
2016-08-01 3:44 am
Just cake and punch would be fine.....having a meal at weddings if fairly new.
2016-08-01 3:34 am
get ready for a lot of "not happy" people, could backfire on you - a lot
2016-08-01 3:31 am
Tea would go better with the bagels. And don't forget the cream cheese for the bagels - chocolate would be best.
2016-08-01 3:30 am
O.k., tell them where it is.
2016-08-01 3:29 am
Hope you don't want anyone at your wedding, cause that's what you'll get.
2016-08-01 4:49 am
2016-08-01 11:31 am
that is terrible. if you must then switch out the bagels for cake and let it go at that. Hope your wedding is over real fast because you are choosing to get married at the dinner hour or very close to it and not providing a meal. Your guests will be hungry and not wanting to linger so they can go eat. You are really being inconsiderate here so if you can do better please do
2016-08-03 10:59 am
No it is NOT Ok. If you want bagels and coffee, get married in the morning.
2016-08-01 11:41 pm
If you are inviting people at dinner time and not serving anything but bagels, then you should specify no gifts. It would be extremely rude to accept gifts from people for whom you purchased a few bags of bagels and coffee.
Sorry... change the wedding to an AM wedding with a continental breakfast if you must have bagels and coffee, or tell people that the only gift you want is their presence.
2016-08-01 7:31 pm
Change the time of your wedding. I do think it's wrong to invite people to come spend a few hours with you (the ceremony and reception) during the dinner hour and then not have a meal for them. If you can't afford to pay for food that's fine - just change the time to 8pm or maybe 2pm.
2016-08-01 6:41 pm
Harris, you are tolling again. Stop.
2016-08-01 2:24 pm
I don't know
2016-08-03 8:54 am
You cannot invite people at wedding without food..this is to br eaten at civil state here,where is separated of the ceremony at church before it.generally only a champaign may be but at mine probably wasn t as there was rape.and nothing at churchvwhere it also should be for god and the poor also ...for guests if they want and priests.in this case you cannot have guests.you can marry in family where they will prepare a party and invite some close friends home ,this would mean the bride will wear a simplified outfit,wedfing dress..not like in the movies.a colegue married at 40 ,we went at a restsurant ,we were in few cars ,at 4-5 tables in total i guess..and she had a white dress not long ..like traditional,but from a colection of design fashion.it is not possible not to eat..it is only for god..it is eucharisty at wedding also at church ..
2016-08-01 9:16 pm
If you're going to have people come at dinner time and not offer any food other than bagels (why bagels? ) then expect people to leave quite early because they're going to want to go eat. Or they'll show up late. I mean at worst serve appetizers... or buffets are cheaper if you're looking to cut back on expenses. .. but just bagels, don't expect a big turn out or a big party.
2016-08-01 11:34 am
Etiquette is just some type refreshment for your guests. Past times was only cake and punch. That's what I would have simply because some people don't like coffee or bagels, but would be expecting cake and punch, whether they like that is not relevant. This is sad after all those good menus you posted yesterday.

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