I can't reset my new Hisense Smart TV to factory default?

2016-08-01 12:11 am
I really need help. So I got a new TV and it's a Hisense Smart TV and as I was setting it up i can across this choice: Auto Scan, Manual Scan, or skip. Well I clicked on Auto Scan. Now I have no channels. I read everything on the paper again even the parts I skipped and I read that I should had skipped scan. Now I'm trying to reset my TV all over again but when I clicked on the Reset to Factory Default it says "Are you sure" and I press OK but it just goes back to the menu and nothing happens. Please tell me what I can do

回答 (3)

2016-08-01 10:40 am
If the TV is defective, return it for warranty coverage.

Hisense is low-grade.
2016-08-01 12:12 am
You are a pig
2016-08-01 2:20 am
factory default ... clears all settings you has done before ...at present there is nothing to come back to the first day ...start your first setting ..... check the antenna and its cable before searching ... read manual once more ...

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:03:55
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