A balloon contains 25 g of helium gas. If 5 grams of helium gas is released from this balloon then the balloon will have a smaller volume.?

2016-07-31 7:20 am
true or false

回答 (4)

2016-07-31 10:51 am

For a gas :
P : pressure
V : volume
n : number of moles
R : gas constant (constant)
T : temperature
m : mass
M : molar mass (constant)

Gas law :
PV = nRT
PV = (m/M)RT
V = (RT/PM) m

Under constant T and P :
V = constant × m
Therefore, the volume (V) is directly proportional to the mass (m) of the gas.

Hence, if some helium is released, the balloon will have a smaller volume.
2016-07-31 7:20 am
2016-07-31 10:14 am
2016-07-31 7:28 am
Yes. Gas pressure increases Volume. It depends on the texture of ballon and the mols (quantity of gas) of the element of gas.
參考: Biscotti Chemistry Book

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