POLL: What age did you lose your virginity and did you regret it?

2016-07-31 2:48 am

回答 (415)

2016-07-31 9:13 pm
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I'm 20 and still a virgin. I don't regret it because I know that I have not met anyone at this point worth losing it to.
The brain isn't even fully developed until the age of 30 and when you are under 30, the younger you are, the more your decision making ability is impaired. Not saying people should wait until 30, or that it would be bad to be a virgin after 30. I just think young people should make sure they care about the person they lose their virginity to. I have too many friends having sex with people they barely know and then regretting it the next day.
2016-07-31 6:46 pm
I'm a 16 year old girl and still a virgin. I live in a country where people don't pay attention to sex life until the age of 25. My friends do talk about sex, but we hardly pay any attention to it. We often take it as a joke. My male friends, some of them are super hot, don't even mention these things about sex. They feel like it's like disrespecting a girl. I did have had a boyfriend but we didn't talk about physical attractions.

So you see, the circumstances have made me still a virgin. I would definitely not want that for my entire life. I'll loose my virginity to the person I love and when I'm above 22. AND I WILL DEFINITELY NOT REGRET IT.
2016-07-31 5:00 pm
I'm a 23 years old guy still a v, I have had opportunities but I always wanted to be with somebody I really loved for my first time, like extreme emotional intimacy with a girl whos a virgin too , but to be honest the more time goes the more I regret not taking my opportunities :(

It actually feel terrible because it seems as if there arnt anymore virgin girls around my age and I'm actually at university
2016-07-31 2:49 am
I am 30 years old, and I am still a virgin. Do you have a problem with that?
2016-07-31 8:38 pm
I'm 18 and female and I'm still a Virgin. I've been in the situation many of times and always had worries and fears about my insecuritiesand pain so always decided to not carry on. I think when the moment and the guy is right I won't feel many or any worries because I'll be comfortable enough with him and it will happen naturally even though my friends do try and pressure me and tell me to enjoy attention whilst I'm young but I don't regret waiting .
2016-07-31 6:53 pm
I'm almost 25 and still a virgin. Doesn't bother me. But when I tell my friends this openly, it leads to bullying so I just keep my mouth shut. I've had plenty of opportunities to lose my virginity but I chose not because I'm extremely religious
2016-07-31 3:01 am
2016-08-01 8:21 pm
20 and it's weird because I do regret it and don't at the same time. I'm a 22 year old guy and that was the first and last time I ever had sex. I have social issues and I think there is a good chance I may even have minor autism like aspergers or something. I never had a girlfriend and was never really good at flirting or pretty much anything social so in my teen years everyone else was geting laid and stuff I would just be at home in my room listening to music most the time.

One night when I was 20 I was walking home one night and there was a college party going on and these drunk kids on the porch just invited me in. I felt weird about it but I was never invited to a party before so I wen't in. Some girl came up to me and kept giving me shots and stuff and as the night wen't on I had sex with her. To be honest I wasn't really attracted to her plus I found out later that she had sex with another dude earlier that night also but I still wen't through with it.
To this day I'm kind of ashamed but also fine with it at the same time because at least I'm not a virgin anymore
2016-08-01 1:07 am
2016-07-31 3:19 am
I was 16, almost 17. No, I never regretted it. I wanted to do it and wasn't forced or pressured into anything I wasn't comfortable with or ready for. I loved my bf at the time and it surprisingly didn't hurt. We were very careful. Overall it was a good first time. I remember it as I wasn't drunk or high.
2016-07-31 3:02 am
2016-07-31 12:35 pm
I was raped at age 7 in 1973.
Not fun.
2016-08-01 2:12 pm
Well I'm from the UK and the law is 16. I had the chance to lose it at 15, but I waited, earlier that day my girlfriend and I had done other stuff, I'd fingered her and eaten her out, but we hadn't actually had sex. We waited another week, so the following Saturday it was 4 days after my 16th and we did it. I think it was more hyped up and wasn't this amazing feeling that I'd been missing out on. But do I regret it? Nope, most people I know (all girls) say 14 was when they lost it. I'm glad I did have it at 16 though, because I have sex quite often now and it is great fun when you are with someone you love.
2016-07-31 10:40 am
12, and I liked it very much, I love sex
2016-08-01 11:03 am
Dear fellow Virgins. The question wasn't do you still have your virginity. It's when did you lose your virginity and did you regret it. You don't need to get out that you're a virgin among non Virgins because they don't care. Haha
2016-07-31 11:05 am
I am 16 and I haven't lost my virginity yet. Is there a problem, officer?
2016-08-01 2:29 pm
2016-07-31 9:52 pm
I was 15, I do not regret it at all as it was with my current boyfriend who was 17 at the time and also a virgin. We are still together 4 years later and I trusted and loved him before we decided we were both ready, and I still love him just as much!
2016-07-31 3:08 am
still a virgin, 14.
2016-07-31 11:29 pm
I'm 14 and I don't plan on losing it soon. I am mature for my age and at times, I tend to crave physical affection however I am a strong willed Christian and I am planning to save it up for marriage. Despite this having this heresy might be perceived as an "ancient thought", I stand by it with all my heart. Side note: no male organ is important enough to "take away my virginity" or change my sexual status. I would not be another name to the long list of virgins you screwed because you're a horny male. (EDIT: I do not feel an animosity towards males, nor am I a misandrist, this is just my opinion.)
2016-07-31 2:30 pm
2016-07-31 8:35 pm
I lost it at age 18 to an Amsterdam prostitute. 3 months later I met a girl and had a 2 year sexual relationship. I have no regrets of losing it in that fashion despite what people may think.
2016-08-03 7:17 am
I'm still a virgin, and I regret nothing. I believe in fidelity and being virtuous until marriage, I don't regret that. Girls wear white wedding dresses which traditionally symbolises virginity and virtue, and yet most of them aren't really virgins. In some cases that's absolutely not their fault, but I believe that people have been sleeping around far too much and have forgotten about purity - they sometimes sleep with someone they don't even know.
2016-07-31 5:45 pm
Still a virgin at 25, still waiting for the one
2016-07-31 2:57 am
I'm a virgin.
2016-07-31 2:55 am
12 and I slept with over 15 men so far and I do not regret it
2016-07-31 9:10 pm
I just turned 25 (2 weeks ago) and am still a virgin. Its only cuz the guys who were interested in me up until now only wanted to use girls for sex, and I never wanted to lose it to that kind of guy. Hopefully one day soon I can actually find someone who does not use girls for sex.
2016-07-31 8:05 pm
17 and no regrets. I marred him and now for 45 years.
2016-07-31 1:36 pm
9 my step father took it. Yes, I regret it. He was nearly 40 years old at the time.
2016-08-03 2:00 pm
Hi, I'm a 19 year old female.
I was 13 when I lost my virginity, no I do not regret it, mainly because I liked and knew the guy well.
Do i wish I waited a bit? Yes
But no I definitely don't regret it.

And to add to someone else's answer, If you have sex at a young age it dosent mean you will have sex with lots of strangers and regret it, that's ridiculous! If you are constantly regretting it you are clearly to young to be doing it.

I have slept with 8 people and yes now that I am in a long term relationship i do think "probably shouldn't have done that"
But hey I did i, I don't regret it and i wouldn't take it back even if i could
2016-07-31 3:37 am
15 and yes I regretted it.
2016-07-31 12:34 pm
Still waiting to lose my virginity at the age of 80.
2016-07-31 3:24 am
Still married after 21 years.
2016-08-02 4:46 am
At 15 and I honestly did for a bit until he passed away two years later and the experience will forever be irreplaceable. I don't think anyone should regret their first time because as much as our minds may try to distort our perception of that person something was there in the past that made you willing to have sex with them and you should hold onto that.
2016-07-31 11:28 pm
2016-08-01 1:38 am
2016-07-31 7:40 am
Still a virgin
2016-08-01 4:42 am
2016-08-01 3:15 am
14 yes I regret it. I regret every single last intimate relationship I've ever attempted and it's close to 100 now that I'm 41. I hate people and I'm quite happy being asexual and antisocial now. The internet is as close as I let anyone because it's anonymous and I'm in control.
2016-07-31 6:36 pm
2016-07-31 1:24 pm
2016-07-31 10:41 am
12(I am a girl) now I am a prostitute
2016-07-31 2:50 am
17, no it was to a girlfriend I really liked
2016-07-31 2:49 am
still a virgin, 18.
2016-07-31 7:07 pm
I lost my virginty at 25 years and I don't regret. People who don't lose their virginity early, it not their dignity, its just lack of opportunities
2016-07-31 9:45 am
16 with 2 men
2016-08-01 5:20 am
15 and I do not regret it one bit as I did it with someone I love.
2016-07-31 11:51 pm
Losing your virginity to the one you get married is the best thing, more real and pure.
2016-07-31 6:08 pm
I'm 28 yo and I'm a virgin
2016-07-31 5:23 pm
I was 16 and no, I didn't regret it because I lost it with the love of my life :)
2016-07-31 2:08 pm
24 and I regretted not doing it earlier. I was worried I would *** almost immediately but ended up going for almost an hour.
2016-08-01 1:25 am
2016-07-31 7:09 pm
2016-07-31 6:36 pm
I am 21 and still a virgin
2016-07-31 11:32 am
14 and no
2016-08-01 1:54 am
I was 20. I kind of regret it only because he had a girlfriend and we were just friends for like 3 months. But I'm glad I lost it with him so I didn't have to be a virgin in my first serious relationship.
2016-07-31 10:32 pm
I was 15 (two weeks away from 16).
I did it with my boyfriend at the time who was also a virgin. I do not regret it, maybe I was kind of too young but it was a good first time and I trully loved him. We were together for well over a year. We're not together anymore but I still love him as my best friend😊
2016-07-31 11:26 am
im 14 but i havent done sh1T. Wtf do I DO NOw?
2016-07-31 3:07 am
I was 17 and I was drunk and barely remember it so yeah I regret it.
2016-07-31 1:09 pm
2016-07-31 11:13 am
2016-08-03 10:48 pm
I lost my virginity was I was 28 and I regret it very much.

I regret that I was so old when it happened.

I regret that I didn't lose it in my teens like everyone else.
2016-08-03 8:41 pm
I'm 75 and still a virgin but I'm sure it will happen soon. Next year I'll go to a senior center and lets just say that my salami wont be resting for a while if you know what I mean.
2016-08-03 5:36 pm
I was 19 & I lost my virginity in the back of a car to a guy I'd known for two weeks. He then became my first boyfriend & 5 years later and we're married haha. I don't regret it at all because he was the right guy.
2016-08-01 1:58 pm
2016-08-01 2:20 am
I lost it at 20. I married her 6 years later. So nope, do not regret it.
2016-08-01 1:57 am
I was 15 and it wasn't by choice.
2016-07-31 9:20 pm
When I was 27 and no I didn't regret it, I waited more than long enough and not slept with anyone unless I love them.
2016-07-31 8:55 pm
I'm still a virgin lol, I'm 16 though so it's normal
2016-07-31 8:48 pm
18 and no
2016-07-31 7:08 pm
16 and yes, I don't like sex, I knew it but I was stupid and I didn't wanna be judged. Don't do it if you're not 100% sure. Do it if you really want to, not because someone is making you pressure or anything. There's nothing bad about being a virgin.
2016-07-31 6:01 pm
22- and I don't regret it because I lost it with the one whom.I love
2016-07-31 5:54 pm
I'm 17 and still a virgin
2016-07-31 5:53 pm
He thought he loved me bla bla bla. I believed that, gave it up to him and he told everyone that I was a skanky ho. 14 years young
2016-07-31 5:44 pm
StI'll a virgin
2016-07-31 5:24 pm
12 years old and she was 21.
2016-07-31 1:59 pm
I was 19. No regrets at all.
2016-07-31 5:46 pm
9... No joke. And I don't regret it one bit.
2016-07-31 6:16 pm
2016-07-31 12:44 pm
2016-07-31 2:52 am
15 nope she was hawt
2016-07-31 2:50 am
Nope, she's good..
2016-07-31 4:30 am
2016-08-03 5:49 am
I'm a girl and I lost my virginity 2 months before I turned 17 and I don't regret it at all.
2016-08-03 3:22 am
I am 26 and still a Virgin. No I dont regret it. STD free and not the father of any child. No child suppport
2016-08-02 7:24 pm
20 and still a virgin. Don't regret it but I do regret lying about NOT being a virgin in middle school and high school due to peer pressure. Lol I'm proud to still have my innocence until I meet the right guy.
2016-08-01 10:30 pm
17 and it was with my son's father. Who I'm no longer with. That was nothing but experience I don't believe that was love. But at least I thought it was. Lol I was in love. But I don't think he was. But I have one grown son. That's the only great thing that happen.
2016-08-01 8:23 pm
I am 26 year and I am still virgin. I cannot lose my virginity before marriage. So I will marry at age of 30 and lost it at that age too.
2016-08-01 8:18 pm
2016-08-01 7:05 pm
19, if I'd had the opportunity to do it a bit earlier I probably would have done and not regretted it, but I'm also incredibly happy with who I lost it to. In fact, "losing" my virginity feels like the wrong term, I don't feel like I lost anything, I feel like I gained a really amazing experience.
2016-08-01 3:10 pm
Which time...
I'm always misplacing that darn thing.

I've never lost it, but I have let a few special people borrow it.
I don't regret it...they've always returned the favor and let me borrow theirs also.
I hang out with good people.
2016-08-01 12:15 pm
I am 16 and still virgin
2016-08-01 7:15 am
2016-08-01 3:36 am
16. I really do regret it.
2016-08-01 2:39 am
19 and no
2016-08-01 2:24 am
16 and no I don't regret it, cause I did it again not long after.
It wasn't bad for a first experience
I didn't like the guy, I just wanted to experience sex, and he was up for it
Im glad the experience is out of the way, cause I was curious for a long time
2016-08-01 1:55 am
IM 16 AND A HAPPY VIRGIN i still want a girl friend though wait til marriage
2016-08-01 12:30 am
14 and I regret it
2016-08-01 12:08 am
I was 14 and hell no I don't regret it. She was 16,and it was weird at first. But once I got going, it was all that. The only thing is that when we finished she went up to the guest room and my Mom heard her telling my cousin what had just taken place down in the basement. I didn't get into trouble but I was embarrassed. After that, I was off to the races.
2016-08-01 12:05 am
26 and yes I do because she lied to me and made me believe that me and her were going to be together for the rest of our life.
2016-07-31 11:28 pm
I am a 31 year old man and I lost my virginity at the age of 9 and I regret it every day of my life. I started being afraid of girls that were my friends because of what their bodies were capable of doing to mine, I felt it was not my time yet which made me afraid of friendships interfered with making friends with girls without feeling scared of sex which cok blocked me from ever dating anyone when I reached the proper age of 13.5 which is supposed to be when puberty and raging hormones developed, I hit puberty and hormonal stages early which I ignored my biological imparatives to mate till I was 13.5, but because I never acted on them, I lost my self esteem to approach them because I never listened to my instincts, so my instincts abandoned me in shyness of heart beating fast and words said better in my head and when spoken is one fourth of what I said in my head without speaking the full words while shy and terrified. It ruined my teen years to date girls because I was too afraid of
參考: my crushes to the point where I would tremble in fear over having a conversation with them. It ruined my life. Before I was a gentleman who loved helping and going out of my way to help everyone no matter who they were for money(to buy candy), volunteeringly because it felt good to do good things for good people, kisses(from girls I thought were cute), and candy(from old people-they also shared fascinating stories I loved to hear about the war, about life, and moral lessons). After I lost my virginity, I felt lost and scared of everyone.
2016-07-31 10:49 pm
Age 15 and I loved it !! so no regrets at all.
2016-07-31 9:26 pm
i lose it when i was 24 i lose to a wrong man but i never regret it.
2016-07-31 8:08 pm
16, yes I regret it.
2016-07-31 3:44 pm
15 and I do and don't, I do because of the person I lost my virginity to as he used to abuse me.
I don't because I consented to it so it was my own choice
2016-07-31 3:31 pm
I cannot remember when I lost my virginity, nor can I recall with whom. It made no anatomical or physiological changes to my body. It changed nothing for me emotionally or psychologically. As far as I am concerned it was and is no big deal.
2016-07-31 2:54 pm
16 and I don't regret it. I am still with the same guy now, I also had no pain and I was sober. It felt right and I knew I was ready... :)
2016-07-31 1:50 pm
20. I only regret how.
2016-08-03 11:30 pm
I'm a 31 year old man, and no I haven't lost my virginity. I'll wait until I'm married first, and it will only be with whoever my wife is. And if I don't get married, then I won't have sex. It may not be the popular thing to do. But it would be the right thing to do.
2016-08-01 9:33 pm
I'm 14 and still a virgin, just answering this for points
2016-08-01 10:35 am
2016-08-01 3:44 am
Im 30 male still a virgin, and probably always will be im just so ugly.
2016-07-31 9:21 pm
I'm 19 and I'm still a virgin
參考: If you could go back and visit any decade in the 1900's for a day, which one would you pick and why? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160731114743AAMC95N
2016-07-31 4:52 pm
16,and yes, I did regret it.
2016-07-31 4:50 am
18. No.
2016-07-31 10:36 pm
2016-07-31 9:28 pm
At 14 I got head from this jawn in the backyard, at 15 I lost my v before Christmas vacation loll good times
2016-07-31 11:45 am
Im 20 and still havent lost it
2016-07-31 10:33 am
19 and no
2016-07-31 10:53 am
16. She was a trainee nurse and thought I was 19.
2016-08-04 9:27 am
I'm a guy are you asking about the front or the back door
2016-08-04 5:06 am
2016-08-04 3:28 am
I lost it at 18 and now I'm 19. This is bad but I don't really care about virginity it's a social construct and means nothing. It's not some romantic experience for the most part and its not going to be super enjoyable the first time considering you have no idea what your doing (sometimes not the case but let's be honest) I don't regret it if I could pick who it was I'd pick somebody else but it doesn't mean too much to me
2016-08-04 12:02 am
I was 17 (almost 18) when I lost it. I do regret it because the guy I did it with pressured me into it and being the dumb little girl I was, I caved and Lord knows I didn't want to.

But that was the past, now I'm with a great guy and I wish I could have shared that experience with him, I was never one to think "sleeping around" would be a fun part of life, I always wanted my first to be my only but I guess the second time is a charm. Btw I'm 20 now, almost 21.
2016-08-03 8:51 pm
I am 18 and I lost my virginity at 17, it was with my now ex-girlfriend but I definitely don't regret it, we had a very lovely relationship and had something very special. I think 17 isn't too young to lose your virginity - in my opinion I would say anything younger than 16 is a bit too young, but that's literally just me
2016-08-03 7:45 pm
I'm 18, turning 19 in 3 months. Still a virgin, although I've done plenty of other things sexually. I had a couple of chances to lose it, but I'm glad I did not lose it to those people. I want to be in a stable relationship first. I've met a guy that I wouldn't mind losing it to, and we did plan on having sex, but our schedules are just so different, and I'm leaving for college in 2 weeks, so it's probably not gonna happen. Me and this guy aren't official, but he's a sweetheart and I trust believe that if I weren't leaving so soon and going so far, we would have been official. Maybe it's for the best that I'm not losing it to him.
2016-08-03 7:20 pm
I was 18 and I wish I could lost before!
2016-08-03 8:30 am
I'm 16 Right now about to be 17 I'm a guy & I lost My virginity at 15 Do I regret it? No, but I Just think I was to Young and I probably should've waited longer.
2016-08-03 6:26 am
2016-08-03 6:15 am
I'm a seventeen year old female that lost her virginity at sixteen. I don't regret it because I don't think that losing your virginity is as important as people make it to be. You should love the person but you shouldn't feel like you have to wait until you find the "special one".
2016-08-03 4:31 am
I'm 21 and I regret it😢😢😢
2016-08-03 3:19 am
Am 21 , lost it when I was 19 and really badly regret i
It doesn't feel at all good now, I don't speak to her, see her or even know how she is.
Thought we we're in love so we did do it, but then a month or 2 latter I broke up with her didn't even like her, I got the guilt of using her though I do try telling myself I didn't and that she wanted too but feel really guilty
Now am put of it until .100% sure and the only way for that is after marriage for me now. Nit even sure if I wanna get married now as don't wanna use her
2016-08-03 2:30 am
I was 15, I'm 17 now. I both do and don't regret it.

I do, because I'm not with him anymore and it hurts.
But I don't because I had a lot of fun, and bonded with him more, and it was great.
2016-08-02 9:00 pm
25 and still a virgin
2016-08-02 5:31 pm
im 18 and still a virgin!
2016-08-02 4:52 pm
17 and no regrets because I lost it to the man that I love
2016-08-02 6:45 am
17 and NO. The guy who's meant to love me for me endlessly, will love me even if Im no longer a virgin. No life regrets, focus on the beauty of life instead, like sexual experiences as luck, because you get to express your sexual passio
with different individuals during your unmarried life. Regret is a waste, appreciating the brighter side is more worth the go. (IN MY OPINION)
2016-08-02 5:37 am
I was 15 years old. I am female. I do not regret it, we were both virgins! We were curious and had a lot of sex! Sex feels amazing! And tbh I miss it... A lot! Do I wish we had waited longer? Sure. Did I love him? I loved him, we were together for a year. I regret nothing even though we broke up. There was no longer the love that keeps two people together, but acceptance of who he was and who he is.

I am now with someone who makes me think every day how I could possibly love him more than I already do, he makes me smile and laugh and I want nothing else but to spend the rest of my life with him and to share every experience with him. He is more traditional and quiet.. We have Not gone beyond kissing... But my love for him and his love for me makes each day worth it! I would wait forever for him, with him. <3

Do you want to have sex? Have sex! But let it be out of love.. If you can honestly say you felt love for that person then there should be no regret.
2016-08-02 5:08 am
Lost it at 22. Kind of late, but no I didn't regret it. It was with my ex boyfriend. Im glad I waited for it to be with him.
2016-08-02 4:56 am
I'm 33 and I haven't yet which nobody ever believes because they think a man wouldn't be my age and be a virgin
2016-08-02 4:51 am
I used to wish that I could have lost it to someone.

Now, I'm glad that I will go the rest of my life as a virgin.
2016-08-02 2:31 am
18. I didn't regret it at the time but now as a 21 year old a couple years later I really wish I would have saved my virginity for the right guy.
2016-08-02 12:49 am
2016-08-01 11:56 pm
2016-08-01 10:23 pm
18 - NO
2016-08-01 9:11 pm
I was 15 and yes the guy was a douche but you live and learn
2016-08-01 9:10 pm
I was only just 16 and really regret it. I lost it to a married man who was 35 and I just feel disgusted looking back. He told me he loved me and I stupidly believed him. His wife was a horrible woman and they always argued so I didn't feel bad as she was my employer and treated the staff terribly but I do feel bad looking back now. I think I was taken advantage of. He started grooming me when I was 14 but because we didn't have full Sex until I was of legal age there's nothing I can do now. Pervert.
2016-08-01 5:45 pm
I was young and stupid...i know that now and i regret some of my decision...i lost my virginity at 14
2016-08-01 5:08 pm
21 and still a virgin:)
2016-08-01 5:01 pm
I was 38 and the only thing I regret is it was with a hedgehog.
2016-08-01 4:57 pm
2016-08-01 3:40 pm
18. Yes, I regretted it.
2016-08-01 1:38 pm
18, and yes i was drunk and did it with a 'surfer boy' what a joke that was.
2016-08-01 12:51 pm
I was 21 and more than ready to lose it, so I had no regrets.
2016-08-01 12:24 pm
17 and yes I regret it. I was with him for 24 years and he was a narcissist that tried to control me. These days if I had access to the internet I would have watched out for red flags like being pressured to have sex when you are not ready for it. So it is very important to understand that it matters not what age you are (as long as it is legal) - it only matters about how equal you are in the relationship and how fast it is going.
2016-08-01 11:47 am
2016-08-01 11:08 am
17 I don't regret it couldn't of lost it to anyone better but it's just sad that we are no longer in contact we was together for almost 2 years
2016-08-01 7:42 am
i thing talk open way with kids just like a friend way . The no what right / wrong thing
2016-08-01 6:20 am
17, and no i don't regret it... i loved the girl, she was 16 and loved me, so we had sex... nothing wrong with that.
2016-08-01 4:56 am
Im still a virgin
2016-08-01 4:16 am
I am 20 and still a virgin male waiting for the right person. Hopefully she waits as well; wherever she may be :P
2016-08-01 2:37 am
I'm 16 and a virgin. I wonder if I'll find that person one day because right now I have no friends that are girls and none seem interested in me.
2016-08-01 1:56 am
16, i don't regret it at all. We loved each other so much. i am 22 now 23 next month and we just broke up 2 weeks and 4 day ago. He was my first kiss and my first love and i will love him forever.
2016-08-01 1:53 am
I'm 17 and still a virgin. I'm not choosing to wait until marriage (I actually don't want to get married). Haha I've just never had a boyfriend. I don't really put that much emphasis on relationships though. I'm never looking for a relationship tbh
2016-08-01 1:07 am
4, well what can I say?
2016-08-01 1:06 am
I am a male who has not lost there virginity and I don't really care
2016-07-31 11:33 pm
First of all i did not misplace or lose my virgnity i Gave it away
2016-07-31 11:33 pm
18, no
2016-07-31 11:29 pm
2016-07-31 11:16 pm
14 I'm 18 now and no
2016-07-31 11:08 pm
I am a celibate virgin
2016-07-31 8:56 pm
im a vergin
2016-07-31 7:57 pm
I'm still a virgin😕
2016-07-31 7:54 pm
I was 23 and it was a one-off while under the influence of drugs and alcohol so I don't remember much about it. I regret that it wasn't in a relationship and the circumstances in which it happened.
2016-07-31 6:20 pm
I haven't lost my virginity. I know who I gave it to and why.
參考: 16 and I avoid thinking about it. Nothing there to make me happy :(
2016-07-31 4:18 pm
I think 14, hell i remember it lol i didnt know what the **** i was doing, but we did it, she was pretty as hell though,
2016-07-31 4:02 pm
15- no I don't have regrets
2016-07-31 3:25 pm
27 and no.
2016-07-31 3:08 pm
16 but waited 10 years for next sex, just life eh?
2016-07-31 3:00 pm
I first had sex two days after my 18th birthday and I don't regret it all.
2016-07-31 2:36 pm
I didn't lose it. I paid somebody to cart it away. Yes. I missed the £5.
2016-08-03 10:18 pm
I'm 21 and female. I was 15 when I lost my virginity. I don't regret it , I used to before. I thought I should've waited a bit longer. But what are the chances to meet that special someone and give your virginity to him/her ? So for a quite some time now I don't regret my decision.
2016-08-02 2:23 am
I was twenty-two, and I lost my virginity to my, at the time, sixteen-year-old girlfriend- (who, for the record's now, married to someone else, and who has a kid with this bloke!) And nah, I don't regret losing me virginity to her, 'cos it felt bloody amazing, and she really knew how to please a bloke in bed! In fact, it felt absolutely divine!
2016-08-01 5:33 pm
Ask your Mom.
2016-08-01 3:00 pm
I am a 25 year old virgin and I don't care about it, like weather I loose it at all or not.
2016-07-31 8:12 pm
17 no
2016-08-02 10:41 am
Anyone on this website is a virgin
2016-08-02 12:50 am
I lost my virginity when I was 11 to a 17 year old girl who I met at an Architectual Aprreciation Group and I have no regrets.

-A house is built through sweat and work
2016-08-01 3:59 pm
12 with an older guy and I do not have regrets and by the way.. All the girls who are over 16 and they say that they are virgins, lol.. they lie... and the guys who are over 20 and they are still virgins, they will die as virgins.. lol
2016-08-01 4:35 am
i lost my virginity at 3 to my local pastor. it was amazing. i recommend it.
2016-07-31 8:28 pm
2016-07-31 3:48 pm
I was six. All I remember was being on top of my aunt while she was moaning "ain't it good?"
2016-07-31 3:12 pm
Hi good😁
2016-07-31 2:32 pm
2016-07-31 10:38 am

And yes, he was a total d!ck!
2016-08-01 7:34 am
I'm 4 and not a virgin
2016-08-01 4:40 am
Lost my virginity in grade 4 to my teacher. She was a religious fanatic psycho *****.
2016-07-31 10:02 pm
4, i got raped
2016-07-31 6:43 pm
9 to my grandpa,,i don't regret it cuz it was fun to have sex with old man
2016-07-31 8:10 am
17 , and I regretted it
2016-07-31 4:18 am
None of your business.
2016-08-05 8:37 pm
I was 27. In a way I regret that I didn't loose it when I was 19 but she was married and I was scared that her husband would find out, so I didn't do it.
2016-08-05 6:08 am
on 18 but dont regret
2016-08-05 5:15 am
i lose my virginity when i was 16 and i never regret it.
2016-08-04 6:53 pm
Still have it
2016-08-04 10:33 am
I am a 24 years old and still a virgin. I know it is slight irrelevant to your question, but I don't regret keeping my virginity. I had few opportunities to lose it. When I look back, I am so glad I didn't do it... I got to know them as friends, and I was like, "Eww!! I'd feel embarrassed and disgusted if I lost my virginity to one of them." If I lost my virginity to one of them, I am sure I'd regret.
2016-08-04 10:03 am
I lost mine at 14. I regret it badly. Now I'm 18 and I just really regret it. Wish I waited till I was with the man I'm with now. Virginity is a sacred thing. Don't waste it.
2016-08-04 9:20 am
23 and no, because it was with someone that I loved
2016-08-04 8:05 am
16 and no I do not.
2016-08-04 7:04 am
I am VERY ASEXUAL so as you can imagine, virginity does not matter to me at all. I am a girl by the way. But I did lose my virginity last year by touching the genitals of a dog
2016-08-04 6:17 am
10. No, I do not regret it. I am a bisexual female, and lost my virginity to my 3 year girlfriend. It was amazing and would do it all over again. It happened at a sleepover. We were in the same bed, making out when we got naked and did oral sex. We are still dating and it will be our 8 year anniversary soon.
2016-08-04 6:08 am
14, and after i felt a little shitty for a couple weeks, but everyone else i know who lost it said they felt shitty after but I'm glad i lost it now, and I'm glad i lost it to who i did.
2016-08-04 5:55 am
I'm 18 now and I lost mine at 15. Do I regret it? No, because I got the awkward stage of 'not knowing what to do' out of the way. BUT I do wish that I would have waited.
2016-08-04 5:32 am
At 19 And I dont
2016-08-04 5:13 am
15. Nope.
2016-08-04 5:11 am
I was 14 years old and yes I regret to this day!
2016-08-04 5:05 am
Never had sex before
2016-08-04 2:44 am
I'm 22 and a virgin and I'm pretty happy about it
2016-08-04 2:22 am
I'm 18 and lost my virginity this year. I don't regret it, I felt like it was long over due. However I do regret the person to who I lost it to!
2016-08-04 2:21 am
I never lost ir
2016-08-04 2:06 am
15 and I'm 15 still don't regret it though. Even though I'm Nolonger with her
2016-08-04 1:52 am
i lost my virginity when i was 15. Yes i know i was a bit young but i was in love. i do not regret it
2016-08-04 1:50 am
I lost my virginity at 15 years old. I really loved the guy I was with, and I do wish I would've waited longer. I have no regrets though.
2016-08-04 1:37 am
I recently lost my virginity. I am 17. I wouldn't say that I regret it, but I do wish that I have waited so maybe it could of been more special. I am currently feeling like I lost something, lost a part of me. Hopefully this goes away soon, and I think it will. But my boyfriend and I have been together for months and he is the nicest person to me, so I don't regret losing it to him.
2016-08-04 1:08 am
I came from the ghetto. As you may be aware, ghetto kids start younger than middle class kids. I lot my virginity at about 14. I do not remember my exact age. I am 50 now. Give me a break.

Why did it happen? My father was an alcoholic and he beat me a lot. I was afraid if him. I knew a girl who had a divorced mother who was never home. She was scared of her mother. I used to sneak out at night, and climb in her window (mobile home). It made us feel safe. Eventually things happened.

No I do not regret it. No. I was only sad because even though we lost our virginity together, and continued the relationship for many months, she never acknowledged me as her boyfriend.
2016-08-04 12:35 am
I lost it at 17 and yes i deeply regret it
2016-08-04 12:08 am
17, I lost it two weeks ago. I don't regret it because I could never love anyone as much as I love this man in my life
2016-08-03 11:48 pm
13, and still loving it
2016-08-03 10:37 pm
17 and no I don't regret it!!☺
2016-08-03 10:31 pm
I'll let you know when it happens lol
2016-08-03 10:17 pm
14. I do regret it because I just did it out of boredom.
2016-08-03 9:30 pm
I think if you're still a virgin, thats great. Hold on to it until you get married. Sex is meant for married couples. You will be far happier if you wait. Most guys if you tell them you want to wait, they bail. That should be an indicator that you dodged a bullet - if he is not willing to wait, he is not worthy of husband material and the same goes for a girl. if she is impatient, then she is not worth your time.

An beside all this, God only blesses sex between male and female once they are married. Anything else is fornication and is sin.
2016-08-03 9:25 pm
I lost mine excactly at 18
2016-08-03 9:02 pm
I was about 15 when i kissed for the first time and it was actually with a bit...h i felt bad afterwards
2016-08-03 8:30 pm
I lost mine at 20 to a bombass stripper and no i dont regret it. Cuz tbh people want it to be special and ****. Thats stupid most of those ppl break up anyways
2016-08-03 8:28 pm
14 and is still a virgin
2016-08-03 8:15 pm
21 and no, I don't regret it.
2016-08-03 8:10 pm
I'm 40 and I'm a virgin.
2016-08-03 7:39 pm
I am 24 and i lost it at age of 16, yes i regret because it shouldn't have happen before marriage.
2016-08-03 7:29 pm
I am 21 years old and I almost lost mine but was too late cuz the guy dumped me
2016-08-03 6:58 pm
16 in a public bathroom , nope I was smart enough to make sure the person I lost it to was not someone special because I knew I wanted to atleast try it with other people
2016-08-03 6:58 pm
I'm 24 and still a virgin. At least I'm not stuck supporting five or six kids from different baby mommas.
2016-08-03 5:47 pm
Hey, I'm 15 and a girl, I am still a virgin. I don't regret that , because I want to wait for the right person and marriage. I do know people who aren't, I mean they have kids or they will . I have a relative who is 21 and I was shocked he wasn't a virgin, I don't know why I was. Bye.
2016-08-03 5:45 pm
I'm a 20 year old woman, I was 19 when i lost my virginity to a 32 year old man and i do regret it because i trusted him with my body and he knew that i feared of being used, had insecurities about my body and i wasn't thinking straight. I thought that i was missing out on something and realized that it is worth the wait and was pressured into having sex even though i gave in. I thought he would've been my boyfriend like he said, but all it was, was sweet nothings and from being taken advantage of it makes me think any guy who may want me will try to do the same. I would tell anybody to wait until you get to know the person for a while, know how they are and what they believe in and watch out for red flags that i tried to ignore but shouldn't have. But now i m just trying to get over it. I think it sucks because i liked him as my sex partner and now that i've lost him because he stood me up on dates and i lashed out on him through text which pissed him off and he never told me if he was seeing other women or wouldn't admit if he didn't want to date me anymore. I still want him in that way, but i have to force myself to move on. I do feel stupid for bringing up the idea of being friends with benefits, not realizing how attached i would get to him. It s hard to get over, but i hope i can stop feeling in turmoil. When someone fake dates you and you have sex with them and they choose to refuse to give you the answers that you deserve it feels like hell and i never thought a man could be so evil. I learned the hard way and i know now what not to do.
2016-08-03 5:31 pm
I'm 15 and lost mine at 14. Do I regret it ? Yes. I feel like I shoudvle waited for the right person.
2016-08-03 2:28 pm
14. Absolutely not. I was with a man I completely totally loved and we were together for 8 months before it happened. We were safe and knew how to use protection and everything. I was on birth control and things were fine. I'm now 19. Not with him but sometimes I wish I still was.
2016-08-03 1:07 pm
I still have it
2016-08-03 12:54 pm
I am still a virgin,
2016-08-03 10:31 am
14 and I don't regret it simply just think I was too young!
2016-08-03 10:14 am
I'm 21 soon and I'm still a virgin
2016-08-03 9:42 am
16, No I don't regret it. Just wish I had thought more about it at the time
2016-08-03 9:07 am
15 and no I don't regret it. I loved him very much. And still do.
2016-08-03 8:48 am
19. Guess I regret it because of who it was with, but I'm realistic enough to admit that sooner or later, it was going to happen. Once I got past the reluctance to actually go all the way, the next time I was with a willing soul ( with the girl that literally lived next door), no hesitation and no regrets.
2016-08-03 8:43 am
I was close to 18 years old. No, I don't regret it. Was a great experience.
2016-08-03 8:35 am
14, No
2016-08-03 7:44 am
15 and i dont regret it. Im 16 now. I have no doubt it was with the right person. I just wish we had been a little smarter about the situation
2016-08-03 7:43 am
27 and do not regret it
2016-08-03 7:37 am
I was 15 I do & don't regret it I regret the person it was with & being so young but I can't fully regret it because I got my oldest daughter out of it
2016-08-03 6:40 am
16 and hell yeah I regret it. The guy I gave it up to turned out to be a total douche.
參考: School of hard-knocks
2016-08-03 6:37 am
14. I am 15 now and no I do not regret it, I am with the same person still and still love him very much. Wouldn't ask for another partner.
2016-08-03 6:10 am
I'm 18 and I still have it because I haven't met someone worth losing it to and I was too shy to talk to cute guys until I was 17😂 Also all my friends say they regret it so I'm glad I didn't make a bad decision
2016-08-03 6:08 am
I was 27 it just happened a few months ago. I was talking to this guy for about 2 months and it just kind of happened. So far I don't regret it
2016-08-03 6:03 am
2016-08-03 5:55 am
2016-08-03 5:46 am
im 25 and still a v...its ok to do soft sex i guess ...like sucking or grinding.
2016-08-03 5:14 am
19. No, I m glad I waited till I was confident with myself. Sex is just...sex, no need to wait for that special someone. I did it with a complete stranger and had a blast. It s all about being comfortable with your body and making sure the other person is respectful and experienced. :)
2016-08-03 4:43 am
16. When you find someone you love you'll want to explore more but make sure it's the right decision.
2016-08-03 4:07 am
14. yeaah. kms
2016-08-03 3:04 am
2016-08-03 2:28 am
14, Freshman year of high school, dated a girl for 2 weeks and then had sex with her. Yes I regret it alot.
2016-08-03 1:04 am
Cherry still isant popped yet Lol
2016-08-03 12:44 am
I lost my virginity at 5 years old and yes I regretted it....
2016-08-03 12:21 am
i never lost mine
2016-08-03 12:20 am
I'm 19. 20 next week and I hope I lose my virginity at 20.
2016-08-02 11:52 pm
17 and no
2016-08-02 11:44 pm
I'm 23 and still virgin,maybe it was that I'm not good looking,maybe I wasn't lucky. I do know that I feel so sad when I think about it
2016-08-02 11:37 pm
15. Yes.
2016-08-02 10:47 pm
I lost my virginity when I was 15 and no I don't regret it at all
2016-08-02 10:42 pm
I'm a 16-year-old guy and I'm still a virgin, my friends and I talk about sex from time to time, but we're not interested in having sex right now, maybe when we are adults finding our special others. Right now, we're just focused on having someone there for us, sex is off the table until we're adults!
2016-08-02 10:35 pm
That's a very personal question.
2016-08-02 9:19 pm
19 and I don't regret it, but it was absolutely horrible and awkward
2016-08-02 8:04 pm
19 and noooo
2016-08-02 7:47 pm
16 & I don't know
2016-08-02 7:44 pm
23 & no i do not
2016-08-02 7:41 pm
I was 15 and im still with the beautiful girl i lost it to. I dont regret it one bit. Although i do regret using a condom my first 5 times. I will NEVER wear one again lol.
2016-08-02 7:15 pm
I was 12 almost 13 with a much older neighborhood boy I liked. I was the one that asked to feel his erection inside me which he was reluctant to do even though w wee both totally naked. When I finally got his penis in me the feeling was so incredible. I have never regretted losing my virginity to him and we are still very close and intimate friends.
2016-08-02 7:12 pm
19 and still a virgin. Loved/liked a few guys but i would never have s*x in sucj a young age. Maybe after 3-4 years...with a husband, not a boyfriend
2016-08-02 7:07 pm
About to be 18. Gay male. Virgin. I'm sort of scared to lose my virginity, because I know it'll be painful at least the first time. But honestly I cant wait, and yet at the same time I can wait.
2016-08-02 6:09 pm
2016-08-02 5:56 pm
I am 29 and still a virgin. I plan on waiting for the right man.
2016-08-02 5:50 pm
I was almost 17. Yes, I regret it. I also married someone who wasn't a virgin and there is always a nagging image of someone being with my wife.
2016-08-02 5:30 pm
13 and yes i regret it i should have waited ... i gave it to the wrong person he got wanted and left but hey you cant always live life the way you want to..... Now ik that i should wait until a person really cares about me
2016-08-02 5:20 pm
18, no.
2016-08-02 5:09 pm
2016-08-02 4:59 pm
When I met Adam. First and only and I married him.
2016-08-02 4:51 pm
I was 21 and it was my wedding night. Couldn't have asked for something more beautiful and perfect.
2016-08-02 4:41 pm
Two weeks after my 16th birthday, and no I don't regret it. It was with my first proper boyfriend and I'm really glad I did it with him.
2016-08-02 4:32 pm
im 32 and still a virgin, I have multiple opportunity/offers from men and women...but I don't like chics that is gross as for the men, no one wants to settle down and get married first so until my special someone with some morals, values and self-respect comes along, ill hold onto my vcard a lot longer....
2016-08-02 3:41 pm
21 still
2016-08-02 3:37 pm
23 and still a virgin. My younger brother lost his at 18
2016-08-02 2:54 pm
16 and no, I truly was in love with the man I lost mine to.
2016-08-02 2:45 pm
16 and yes i regret it...
2016-08-02 2:23 pm
22, and even though me and him are not together anymore i dont regret it because he was my first love, and I knew I was ready and didnt want to sleep with anyone else.

Answer mine please:
2016-08-02 2:03 pm
Yes and she 23 drunk wasn't in control angry but I'm 27 now.
2016-08-02 1:29 pm
I lost my virginity this year (I am 14). I do regret it because the guy was a loser and I don't get to lose my virginity a second time.
2016-08-02 1:13 pm
Me and my boyfriend were both 15 and we are still together at 17 and so we don't regret it at all
2016-08-02 1:01 pm
I was 16. It was with a very sweet and older girl that knew how to take care of me so no I have no regrets :D
2016-08-02 12:57 pm
15 and no, no regrets.
2016-08-02 12:44 pm
I was 13 and with another girl
It sucked
2016-08-02 11:54 am
13 and yep definitely regret it
2016-08-02 11:21 am
I'm 26 and lost mine at 17 to an 18 year old girl
2016-08-02 10:46 am
Lost it at 19. And we dated for 3 years. I didn't regret it because we had puppy love.
I almost lost it at 17, but I'm glad I chose not to go through with it .. He wasn't a suitable partner.
2016-08-02 10:18 am
16 and no i was with the guy for 6months and then we was together for 1 year and 6 months! I am glad i waited for him.
2016-08-02 9:12 am
Im 46 and a virgin, i dont think ill ever have sex.
2016-08-02 9:12 am
24 and still a virgin for now. I didn't meet anyone worth losing it to until two years ago. And we're waiting until we're more equipped to handle if I ended up getting pregnant. We're in school and broke so I'm not even taking the chance!
2016-08-02 8:37 am
On our honeymoon; and definitely not
2016-08-02 8:28 am
I lost mine at 16 I believe and at time yes I do regret it.
2016-08-02 8:17 am
16, yes I do regret it.
2016-08-02 7:30 am
15 and yes I regret it I wished I saved it for the person I'm in love with
2016-08-02 6:40 am
that age is yet to be determined & i probably will.
2016-08-02 6:37 am
23 and never evened kissed a girl!! Im not ashamed!! If i find a girl, great! If not, whatevs!!
2016-08-02 6:08 am
20 & still a virgin even though I do kinda regretted the chance I had with my first love to lose it with him at the age of 15/16 but surprisingly I didn't gave it in he dump me anywayand had sex with many other girls so yeah I'd bet I would've regretted if I did done it.
2016-08-02 6:07 am
I was 20, and that was a good age for me. I regretted it a little, especially since I was religious at the time. But I knew that was an aspect of my life I really needed to explore.
2016-08-02 6:04 am
23 and no it was with someone I truly love
2016-08-02 5:53 am
I was 18. I could've lost it much earlier in high school, but I decided not to since most of the girls who had sex were sluts--who probably had STD's. So yeah, had I had sex with them, I would be in HUGE regret. I lost it to a respectable girl I dated for 6 months before college. I'm sad to say she broke it off :(
2016-08-02 5:00 am
Never, but I think I'm about to
2016-08-02 4:50 am
2016-08-02 4:48 am
I'm 18 about to be nineteen and I'm still a virgin, I'm waiting for the right man and not someone who isn't the one.
2016-08-02 4:40 am
I'm still a virgin and proud of it!✊✊✊
2016-08-02 3:32 am
I was 15 and he was17. Don't have any regrets..
I am still friends with him that was 30 years..
We were so in love then and now..
2016-08-02 3:18 am
I lost mine at 13 and I regret it more than anything.
2016-08-02 3:16 am
I'm 18 and still a virgin
2016-08-02 3:16 am
17 and no
2016-08-02 3:05 am
Lmao when i was 18. Did i regret it at the time no . He eneded up leaving me for his ex /: . Should of waited longer
2016-08-02 2:53 am
17. I don't regret it, I just regret who it was with.
2016-08-02 2:51 am
2016-08-02 2:38 am
21, I only had sex because my younger brother & sister had sex before me & I was the oldest.. When trying to set a good example goes wrong & they both end up with kids.. That's my regret.. My plan, was to save myself & not to be a young mother. I'm now 33, no kids & awaiting my King..
2016-08-02 1:15 am
16. And yes.
2016-08-02 12:41 am
I was 19! I sort of regretted it. I was in a serious relationship for almost 3 years, and never gave that up to him. After that break up, it messed me up and I lost it to someone that I barely knew. It was with a guy that was attracted to me, but had like a "thing" with another girl at the same time. I felt bad that I did that to her, and I was also hurt that he took advantage of me.

One of the reasons why my long term relationship was not great was because that sexual aspect of it was absent. I'm now in a relationship with someone else, and I realize how important that is in a relationship.
2016-08-02 12:04 am
14 and nope me and him are still together
2016-08-01 11:52 pm
I'm still a virgin.
2016-08-01 11:46 pm
19, I don't regret it. It was with a girlfriend that I loved, and we used alot of protection
2016-08-01 11:25 pm
19 and yes, very much regretted it. I wish I waited til marriage
2016-08-01 11:18 pm
I was 11, and don't regret it at all. Just kidding lol. I was 17 and don't regret it for a second even though it was strange my first time.
2016-08-01 11:16 pm
17. I lost it to the boyfriend that I have now and I don't regret it. It was very satisfying and I enjoyed it. It has brought us closer than ever before. It was almost as if this tension was lifted and we were able to truly express how much we love each other.
2016-08-01 11:10 pm
I was 20. I lost it to a Turkish boy when I snuck him into the house while my parents were working.
2016-08-01 10:50 pm
2016-08-01 10:19 pm
13 and I did at the time but now I don t it was my choice
2016-08-01 9:51 pm
32. I don't regret it.
2016-08-01 9:49 pm
17 and no because I felt it was the right choice at the time
2016-08-01 8:12 pm
Im 15 and is still a virgin.Alot of girls and boys my age arent and I am glad I am waiting till marriage
2016-08-01 7:44 pm
13, not really
2016-08-01 6:42 pm
I lost it at 25 (I am 28 now). I can't say I regret it but it was kinda rushed and I didn't know the guy very well. Fortunately, we liked and respected each other and our relationship lasted a while.
2016-08-01 6:41 pm
17 and kinda.. it definitely wasn't what I expected.. as a matter of fact IT SUCKED
2016-08-01 6:29 pm
16 and nope but it was to a friend who I trusted, but it was only a one time thing
2016-08-01 6:12 pm
Im 23 and still a virgin. Ive been together with my boyfriend for 6 years and we're both still virgin.
2016-08-01 6:06 pm
14. No it was amazing. Sex is one of the experiences we must part take it when the desire is there. That is a contributor in evolution. When you supress your needs ots not good
2016-08-01 5:31 pm
i'm still a virgin
2016-08-01 5:11 pm
2016-08-01 4:17 pm
hii i m 21 yr old boy.. nd i m also virgin i fear to do this.. how can i remove my fear from this?????
2016-08-01 3:59 pm
23 and nope i love it because im male XD
2016-08-01 3:58 pm
15, I lost it to my boyfriend of 3 months and don't regret it at all he was really sweet and we're still together six months on
2016-08-01 3:30 pm
Such, is entering adult-hood.Most are ready for it.
2016-08-01 3:30 pm
Just before I was 18, 26th August 1974 - I married him 2 years later and divorced 20 years later, I didn't regret it.
2016-08-01 3:24 pm
16 ( Month off 17) only regret eating so much chinese before hand.
2016-08-01 3:10 pm
I was 16 and my future husband and I were walking home across a park from a party where we had punch which was more alcoholic than we realized. We sat in the bandstand and kissed then one thing led to another and we had sex. His knees were sore afterwards as were other parts of my anatomy. We laughed about it later but didn't repeat it until we had somewhere more comfortable.
2016-08-01 2:46 pm
Me @ 27yrs
2016-08-01 2:39 pm
2016-08-01 1:40 pm
2016-08-01 1:40 pm
24 but that is too late in my opinion. I would have preferred 14, 15 or 16. Life is too short to delay. Enjoy it while you can if the opportunity arises.
2016-08-01 1:14 pm
14 and no
2016-08-01 12:33 pm
2016-08-01 12:27 pm

No one would go with me expect a desperate hooker
2016-08-01 11:47 am
17 to a 25 year old No he's now my fiance
2016-08-01 11:17 am
2016-08-01 10:54 am
I was 13, and no. Obviously my body wasn't ready, but my mind was. I was with that boyfriend for 18 months and then he started going out with someone else, a month later. One of the worst times of my life. I think I only truly ever loved him.
2016-08-01 10:13 am
27, nope
2016-08-01 9:08 am
5. Not kidding — I had an odd childhood with odd people. Very odd people indeed.
2016-08-01 8:59 am
I'm 18 and still a virgin. I've had a LOT of guys try to pressure me into sex, but I've never caved and I will continue to save myself for "the one".
2016-08-01 8:27 am
16 more or less
2016-08-01 8:15 am
15 - 3 months away from my 16th birthday. At first I did regret it but now that I'm older, I don't. All of my experience has made me a better lover.
2016-08-01 8:15 am
20 no, I don't regreat it
2016-08-01 5:31 am
NEVER IM 24 =P !
2016-08-01 5:19 am
21. No. It was with the perfect woman.
2016-08-01 1:56 am
13... and I was proud of it.
2016-08-01 1:41 am
15 nope
2016-08-01 12:18 am
2016-08-01 12:15 am
2016-07-31 11:21 pm
2016-07-31 10:00 pm
Why tho?
2016-07-31 7:20 pm
14, no way lol
2016-07-31 5:47 pm
14, It was the worst day of my life and also the first time I got drunk.
2016-07-31 3:34 pm
26 and no.
2016-08-03 8:51 am
Do I regret it your answer is yes I really do regret it. Because now I'm married and I acted like I was a ******* virgin cause I didn't want my wife to know and it sucks to lie in your mirrage so yes wait until your married or if your Forsyth getting married with that person you been with for the past years. Other than that wait FYI I lost it at the age 17 I got married at 26year old and yea I regret it ever since
2016-08-03 4:49 am
2016-08-03 3:29 am
Lose it after marriage and you wont regret it.
2016-08-03 1:18 am
10 and I don't regret the age but I regret who it was with so yeah don't judge I'm pretty mature for my age I am 14 now
2016-08-02 9:30 pm
2016-08-02 9:27 pm
i was 15 i didnt regret it go nuts innit
2016-08-02 1:16 am
I was 19. I paid a prostitute and lost it. I absolutely don't regret it. If I didn't do what I did, I would still be a virgin today and women don't like virgins.
2016-08-01 11:17 pm
I'm 19 and still a virgin I've had a chance to loose it to 2 guys they only saw me as sexual objects So I refused because at least I give myself to respect
I plan on waiting for marriage and for my soulmate to loose it.
2016-08-01 10:32 pm
12. And no, didn'the regret it then...don't regret it now! I would do it all over again! It was AWESOME!
2016-08-01 9:51 pm
15..did not regret it..actually I lost my Virginiti last July..because we had a party..and Ugh..I was kinda hooking up with someone and yeah just woke up in his bed but I was amazing
2016-08-01 9:00 pm
There are a few countries out of ethics.
Like ends upon Seasons, Social customs & area ethics with dight they enjoy up to puberty then machurity. But not we to loose otherwise .regular marriage for legal & religious reproduction of children
2016-08-01 7:20 pm
I'm a man. Does virginity matters related to a man? I don't think soo!
2016-08-01 2:56 pm
I think, virginity should not be lost at any age
2016-08-01 2:48 pm
28. Regretted it because she wasn't hot enough. And a hairy mary
2016-08-01 9:32 am
Mind your own business....
2016-08-01 7:09 am
16 and no
2016-07-31 11:39 pm
2016-07-31 10:36 pm

I wish it could have been earlier.

Adultery, statutory rape, whatever it took basically.
2016-07-31 9:25 pm
30 and no x
2016-07-31 8:25 pm
I was 16 & no I don't and didn't regret it
2016-07-31 5:18 pm
16 , no of course not, I am male
2016-07-31 4:29 pm
not sure it was all a blur
the turtal ran by so sast
it all happed so phast
it was all a bLUR
2016-07-31 12:31 pm
16 and no I didn't
2016-08-01 10:51 am
2016-07-31 7:30 pm
give me south asian women to lose my virginity to because no other woman is good for me.
2016-07-31 1:59 pm
13 & kinda
2016-08-03 6:27 am
15, and she was about 16. Actually, the girl asked me if I wanted to have sex on the first date, but I declined because fornication goes against Christianity. I still kinda regret my decision to remain abstinent until marriage, but at least I don't have to worry about going to hell forever when I die, and that's all that really matters, even though it kills me inside, because I don't know when or if I'll ever find another girl willing to share her life with me. The older I get, the more I feel like I'm going insane, because sex is on my mind 24/7, and it would be pretty bogus if I died before losing my virginity, since it's such a big deal...
2016-08-02 9:15 am
I am a guy and I kind of lost my virginity at 15. Not exactly having s*x. My 17 year old cousin sister just sucked me off. And I don't regret it.

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