Wedding menu? I really like it.?

2016-07-31 2:13 am
So my caterer Jason is amazing. He really catered to my and my hubbys desires. However, my mom and law was right: there are 347 guests, 94 are kids and 77 eat vegetarian! So we made a main menu, then the we asked the waiter to do a kids and veg menu and he said hell throw something together. Looks good to me please let me know what you think and how it can be better.

Main menu

Crunchy tuna tar tare
Avocado, crunch, sliced mangos, rice, jalapenos and yuzu sauce

Steakhouse filet mignon (9 oz)

Bacon mac n cheese, sauteed spinach

Chocolate, strawberry, bacon trifle with salted caramel ice cream and toasted salted caramel

This is what he made last night for veg and kid he said everyone would love it and we gotta trust the caterer!


Baby carrots

Grilled cheese on whole wheat

Crinkle cut fries

Oreos, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, rainbow sprinkles


(he said kids dont need a starter theyll be happy sitting and waiting for main course)

Bagel with butter


Hostess cupcakes

回答 (3)

2016-07-31 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yet another one!

Your caterer is “amazing”? If I had a caterer give me options like this for a wedding supper, he wouldn't be getting a second chance. Fire Jason, get a real caterer.

Starter: Ick. Stick to something a little less weird. (What is “crunchy tuna tar tar?) If you put that in front of me I would not eat it.

Main: Filet mignon – sounds good, but too difficult to get right for a function of that size. Some like it well done, some like it rare – how are you going to manage that? And have you got any idea what that would cost? For the sides, you DO NOT serve macaroni cheese with filet mignon. Sauteed spinach – maybe, but I can see a lot of that going back to the kitchen uneaten.

Vegetarian menu – ridiculous. You're supposed to be feeding adults, not kids. If I showed up to a wedding reception and was given and grilled cheese sandwich and fries, I'd probably never speak to you again. Give that to the kids. Come up with something better (see some of your other questions for ideas on this) for the vegetarian guests.

Kids menu – ridiculous. You don't give kids a bagel and butter for supper. Give them the grilled cheese sandwiches and fries.

Dessert – why three different ones? Find one that will work for everyone.

Once again, this is just terrible.

You really do need to work on your trolling. I've seen much better than this.
2016-07-31 3:06 am
This is another one of those trolls isn't it? Like, there's no way anyone could possibly think that the vegetarian and kids options are acceptable.
2016-07-31 12:54 pm
Troll alert.

This person is 16, or has an 11 yer old daughter, or just had a wedding where no one ate anything.
2016-07-31 1:25 pm
Your menu doesn't make sense. Most vegetarians don't eat cheese. Time to fire Jason, and find someone who knows what they're doing.
2016-07-31 2:35 pm
None of this is amazing or believable. You started out that you created the menu, and keep expanding and asking over and over. A true caterer would make better, more appetizing choices. You need to go back to school and stop all this.
2016-08-01 11:31 pm
You're a ******* troll. You do realize we can see your previous questions.
2016-07-31 11:41 pm
Harris, you must really be bored this weekend. This is the sixth tolling post you've done on ludicrous wedding menus. Why don't you use your time to apply to culinary school rather than troll this nice people who can't figure you that you post stuff like this daily to get a rise of them?
2016-07-31 6:33 pm
So your vegetarian guests are getting carrots followed by cheese on toast
And the kids are getting a plain bagel.

I hope you're a troll; otherwise you're an idiot.
2016-07-31 2:46 am
Tuna... Yuk. I would rather the baby carrots. Why don't you give your guests some say? When my cousin got married we were also given a copy of the menu along with the invite. We had to RSVP yes and each person had to select what they wanted for a main meal. That way people knew what they were in for and the carter made the correct amount of each dish (nothing went to waste). My cousin chose to do this because some of the family have allergies, there were vegans and a fair few kids.
I also wouldn't made kids miss any food. They get hungry and you don't want cranky kids screaming and begging their parents for food because you think they didn't need the food...
Your vegaterian main and dessert would be more appropriate for the kids.
2016-07-31 10:26 am
Kids love Mac and cheese and grill cheese.
Carrots with ranch would be fine for an started, not for adults.
He does not have children if he thinks they will sit still while everyone eats.

Vegetarian meal is more like an child meal.
There are a lot of meals you could go with.
Pasta with vegetables or an eggplant dish would be better than grill cheese. Just because they are vegetarians does not mean you do not get an full meal.

I would just have one dessert for everyone.
2016-08-03 8:47 pm
Again, I say you are a troll and cannot be taken seriously.
2016-07-31 3:17 pm
Your kids and vegetarian menu seem to be not good compared to the main menu, especially the kids.

Also, why would you invite 94 kids to a wedding?!?! That is a recipe for disaster
2016-07-31 11:35 am
Confusing, you say Jason is great and waiter says, oh xxxx---do you mean Jason, if waiter is a different person, then he is only a waiter and can go jump in a lake. Changes I would make: Get rid of the tuna tar tare, not good at all, something like prosciutto.. Ditch the spinach for green beans or broccoli. Not many people like spinach, I do, but it is an acquired taste. Veggie-not grilled cheese, that would be good for the kids, make some kind of egg quiche or baked vegetable casserole with baked potatoes, and a potato dish like potatoes au gratin, but not if having the baked potato, etc. not french fries and something green, like green beans sauteed with almonds and a more adult dessert.. Kids get rid of the bagels and the hostess cupcakes, kids will get everywhere on clothes, parents clothes and all over/not good at all and will go crazy on a sugar high.. Have chicken tenders, mini hamburgers, fries and applesauce or apple slices or a like vanilla wafers for kids.
2016-07-31 2:28 pm
Jason needs to be fired.. My husband is a vegetarian and most vegetarian's don't eat cheese or products that come from animals. Cheese comes from various animals goats, cow, etc.

He's a vegetarian. I'm a "meatetarian", I <3 me some bacon, with cheese.
2016-07-31 2:23 am
You're kidding right??? You really don't like kids or vegetarians do you?
2016-08-01 4:21 pm
All but the kids sounds great. The kids isn't really a meal though...

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