My parents think I'm ugly?

2016-07-30 11:22 pm
My parents think I'm too skinny. I'm about 76 pounds and 5'0 which I know is super skinny. I have been like this my whole life and I have Crohns Disease and celiac. Also I'm lactose intolerant so it's very hard for me to gain weight. They always make me feel bad and insecure because they always point it out and say "you look bony in that dress" or "go cover yourself up, you look dead" I don't know what to do. I feel ugly to everyone.

回答 (6)

2016-07-31 2:35 pm
Your parents obviously have no understanding of Crohn' s Disease, which is a shame in itself. Weight loss and poor weight gain are VERY common with this illness. Lack of support from family members can be very stressful. Too bad your parents haven't learned all they can about your needs. I say SHAME ON THEM. Try to find an online support group for Crohn's. Sometimes stranger support is all we can hope for. I send you hugs. (I have UC)
2016-07-30 11:26 pm
Everyone is beautiful in some way. You're underweight, but there are TONS of guys that are into thin girls.
I, myself, think many thin girls are very attractive.

You'll find someone who loves you for who you are and who can't keep their hands off of your hot bod.
2016-07-30 11:25 pm
Shame on your parents. That's disgusting and you tell them so. You should also meet with your doctor and ask about dietary supplements to help you put on weight - for health reasons.

Not every sees you as ugly. Mature people, unlike your parents, will see the kind of person you are as the most important thing.

It could be your parents are the ones embarrassed, afraid people will think they are abusing you or something. But that doesn't excuse what they are doing. Tell them it is hurtful, screwing up your self image, and doesn't serve any purpose other than to hurt you and boost their own egos.
2016-07-30 11:24 pm
Belive In what u belive dont listen to them there not godly there satanic parents let them know that you will go to heaven while there burning in hell
2016-07-30 11:23 pm
Skinny isn't always a bad thing, some people just have different views on things.. Let em know how you feel
2016-07-31 12:27 am
You said your parents think you are skinny - that's not the same thing as thinking you are ugly. It seems like they are trying to communicate that you are underweight. Apparently you agree with the about being underweight. You can use this to your advantage. Ask them to take you to the doc to see if there is more you can do to deal with the weight and food issues. At the doc's ask for a referral to a nutritionist and maybe even an athletic trainer to gain some weight through building muscle.

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