Online jobs for 16 year olds in College?

2016-07-30 2:38 pm
I am a 16 year old in full time ALevel Education in the UK.

I would like to earn a small amount of money online.

I don't want to answer surveys though. I will do basically anything else such as moderation, customer chat, article writing etc.

So what is there I can do at 16 in the UK and where can I apply for them.

Thanks guys

回答 (3)

2016-07-30 2:44 pm
If there were any online jobs this site would be empty. Millions would be sat at home doing them.
All you will see are Scams who want money up front then disappear.
2016-12-24 3:31 pm
參考: Paying Bills Writing
2016-07-30 8:08 pm
A-level studies should be taking a lot of your time. Are you sure you can afford to work a job at the same time?

That said, if you are a smart person, look at Mechanical Turk. There might be some writing or web programming jobs there. A conventional job in a shop would probably pay more per hour.
2016-07-30 5:01 pm
I know of NO such job sorry.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:25:55
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