Do you agree with this philosophy on life?

2016-07-30 2:22 pm
I personally think its cool:
"I have seen a lot of the beauties and joys of life to a certain level, not to the highest level or as high as those who have attained those glories of what the average person desires,but I've climbed some of those stairs of the positive side of life. I have also seen some of the depths. Not to the fullest depths I'm sure (and thankful) but into some of the steps into the depths of the misery, pain, cruelty, lowness and degradations that make up the other side of life. Have I seen it all? No, and that is a double edged sword, a bittersweet realization. I haven't seen heaven on earth but neither true hell. We all have ups and downs in our lives, no matter how bad, how glorious or neutral your life is going, we ALL as people have them. Let's be thankful for what we have (some will always have it worse), let's aim and work as high as we each individually can in our own concept of success and happiness (as is the principal human motivation of everyone reading this, even tho one can not realize this consciously sometimes in the deeper "depths" of life) and most of all, at a certain point whilst realizing the two previous notions, let us accept ourselves. Not limit, but accept the inevitable fact that we are always neither on one end of the spectrum or the other entirely. And all that gray area from the darkest grays to the brightest are life. Nothing is ever perfect, nothing is ever devoid of joy....unless you're dead. "

回答 (9)

2016-07-30 3:50 pm
At nearly sixty I am just starting to be able to apply your ideas. At the risk of sounding self-pitying, the highs and lows were so extreme in my early life that if I tried to have your attitude then I would have ended up dead or in a psyche ward. When I was 15 I made the decision to discount (ignore) all the positives in my life and just grapple with the negatives. I may have changed myself mentally from a bi-polar to a depressive, but I saved myself from the extremes of happiness that were killing me. I avoided dangerous and crazy situations, well yes I've gone through months where I couldn't get out of bed and years when I was unable to work, but I am still alive and enjoying the world.

What I mean to say about your philosophy is it sounds good for someone not going through trauma, not suffering from major mental illness and not from an abuse background. But if you tell folks like me to suck it up and not say ouch and be grateful you are alive you may well be killing us.
2016-08-03 2:14 am
Sure, it sounds cool but it would seem to me that the author had not yet been around.

I have been around, and around, and around. I have seen hell on this earth and experienced total bliss (not together or at the same time, ha, ha).

The rest seems fine. No argument here.
2016-07-31 3:52 am
I fully endorse this philosophy of life, with a basic idea that absolute extremes are mere concepts and no reality and everyone as well as everything is unique in this world and hence setting any standard to make a judgment is always likely to lead to results that need to be taken with a pinch of salt..... mostly it is our judgement of others opposite our own self that leads to misery or disappointment and in the end what matters most is the state of our mind rather than any objective reality.
2016-07-30 5:52 pm
Perhaps you should wait until you have visited those unplumbed depths before you develop your philosophy of life, it may change your outlook and understanding of others.

Sure a positive outlook on life is helpful, but we all find our own tailor made solutions for dealing with the experiences and lessons life presents us with. These are what makes us what we are and help us to develop and grow. Some may enjoy an easy life (although few would acknowledge it), but its the knocks in life we somehow rise above which give us an inner strength and hopefully a degree of wisdom wherever we currently are on the spectrum.
2016-07-30 4:51 pm
Sorry, I don't. For one thing, how do you know you haven't seen the worst/best? The only way you would know is if you have seen them, but have been unable to have them.

Second, I don't subscribe to "nothing is perfect". There is perfection all around us because there is more than one form of perfection. If something feels perfect (or total desperation) to me, then that's what it is. It's isn't anything less . . ."grey" as you put it.

Finally . . . To cease any quest simply because you have been unsuccessful so far is not "acceptance", it's surrender. There are many things that are impossible for the human condition, but perfect satisfaction is not one of them. To surrender that quest because it is difficult to obtain or maintain is not a philosophy that I would agree to.
2016-07-31 4:00 pm
Boring and insubstantial.
2016-07-30 9:56 pm
Many great philosophers talked of goodness = wisdom , selflessness , unconditional love , inner strength and inner happiness , how it feels why it is important to live it , but few give any way of achieving it , as an Evolutional Goodhist I have a science based explanation , that goodness is a state of energy , energy in its most efficient sate in a universe where energy drives evolution as it seeks the most efficient use of its self , I have belief and practice to increase my energy efficiency.
2016-07-30 4:38 pm
Yes. It is nice. It is cool to read everything about philosophy. I want to be a true philosopher like you. It is really great to be one.
參考: compiled.
2016-07-30 3:05 pm
Yes, we have uncertain time, unlimited wants and needs, big dreams but the reality is ups and down. We have to accept all the challenges in our. Do not go away from your choices, just keep calm it.

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