I have a vivitar DVR908 video camera and I'm wondering how you charge them like If I use triple a batteries how do I charge it?

2016-07-30 7:53 am

回答 (2)

2016-07-31 2:54 am
You buy rechargeable AAA batteries and a charger for them. You must remove the batteries from the camera to recharge them. You can't recharge normal AAA batteries, only the ones that are rechargeable and say so right on the battery. You can often buy the rechargeable batteries and the charger together in a combo package.
2016-07-30 8:13 am
Buy a suitable charger along with the cells.

Get at least three, and preferably four or more, sets of cells
so you will always have plenty of them ready to go.

If the camera uses two cells, as many do,
pairs of them should be clearly and permanently marked
so they can always be used and charged together
(because most chargers charge cells in pairs rather than singly).

As do many others around here, I use Eneloop NiMH cells and chargers.

Originally developed and marketed by Sanyo, Eneloop is now owned by Panasonic, which should, if anything, make the products better than they were to begin with.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:02:16
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