Mom gets upset and assumes I'm asking for money when I'm not?

2016-07-30 5:02 am
Tonight me and my mom were laughing and having a good time watching a movie. I started showing her thisCoolGreyColorI liked for my room and I WishToPaintIt that some day. She said me and my dad should paint it together, it'dBeFun.I said really?! all excited and she was agreeing and I said well actually we'd need a ladderAndWhatever&Im not that goodOfAPainter so idk. I ThoughtWeWere fine butIGuessNot. Then, a different conversation came up and I wasTalkingAboutATweet I SawAndIt said "14 year olds now have mac makeup and iPhones while I had glitter eyeshadow and a DS" or something and she kinda laughed I think. Later made a face I'm so familiar with so I was like anything wrong? Did I do something? You can change the show if you want. She said I don't have enough money Hun!!! All you talk about is money and I can't afford it!! YouAlwaysSay ohh "insert a time a while ago when I said things that upset her I guess" And I said mom I didn't mean that. I wasn't asking for money at all!! I was making conversation. after she went to bed because I didn't want to fight and she was tired. I texted her and said I wasn't talking about money. She continues thinking that money is the problem saying "I'm sorry I wish I could get those things for you" and talking about money and I'm like hello?? I just said it wasn't about money at all and she doesn't listen ever. This is our problem. She makes a face through all her issues then EXPLODES and I can't get a chance to reason with her. Help please.

回答 (3)

2016-07-30 10:44 pm
i wouldnt say anything about it at all especially if shes not going to listen
2016-07-30 5:23 am
She probably wishes she had the money to get everything you want. Maybe it makes her feel guilty. If you know this is a touchy subject with her then don't bring up your wish list. How about getting a job and maybe helping her or buying what you want. Maybe you should tell her that you don't want your room painted. You should just watch tv with her and enjoy her company. Try talking to her about it after this has blown over because it obviously bothers you too. Plus 14 year Olds do not need mac makeup, and a fancy phone... this is all fed to you from a magazine. I didn't have this stuff...I was lucky to get new cloths for school.
2016-07-30 5:16 am
you asking for things pointing out things in magazines or telling her what all the others have is hurting your mother. You say you are not talking about money but how do you think you get those things It is so about money. Your constant "conversations" sound like asking for things and your mother cannot afford to get them for you That hurts a parent deeply and a wise and kind child knows better than to go pointing out things they might like to have because they already know they cannot/will not get them and that is due to money. A considerate child realized that a parent wants to give the whole world to their child but that is not at all possible in many situations. Learn to stop looking for more stuff stop looking at what others have and stop your conversations about material things. face it you are poor so stop hurting your mom by asking and showing her things she cannot afford to get for you she gets upset and yells because she feels so very bad each time you show her some picture and she knows you want it but she cannot get it. Have some thought for someone outside of yourself Your mother is struggling so stop your whining

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:25:43
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