Can I graduate early as a sophomore in high school?

2016-07-30 3:32 am

回答 (3)

2016-08-02 5:21 am
I don't believe so.

In California, they have the CHSPE, which is a test you take and if you pass (Math and English), you get a High School Equivalency diploma. That alone won't get you out of High School, but with a parent-principal meeting, you can "graduate" high school. Additionally, any institution that requires a high school diploma is required to accept the equivalency diploma as well.

You should really see a school counselor/mentor and ask about this. They'll be able to tell you what options you have at your school. Not all schools/states are the same, so what applies to one school/state/district might not apply to another.
2016-07-30 3:57 am
NOT happening legally here maybe in ur country
2016-07-30 3:35 am
Graduate no but you can drop out, that's kind of a bad choice tho

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