A shop under my bldg sells cigarettes. Which govt auth can i complain to in order to issue a poster to prevent people from smoking in public?

2016-07-29 7:49 pm

回答 (6)

2016-07-29 7:53 pm
The Ministry of Insignificant Whining.
2016-07-29 7:52 pm
Smoking laws vary from state to state.
2016-07-29 7:51 pm
Is it is illegal for people to smoke in public where you live? If so and people are doing it call the police.
2016-07-29 9:03 pm
You have no business telling other people where they can or can't smoke in public.
2016-07-29 7:57 pm
an autocratic personality disorder cannot be cured by indulging in more of the same meddlesome and authoritarian behavior. in order to conquer your imperious impulses, you must let go of the desire to control others' lives.
2016-07-29 7:51 pm
the same authority that has posters warning cars not to emit toxins in public

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