Is it unethical to reactivate my Emusic account to get a special deal and then immediately deactivate it again?

2016-07-29 6:46 pm
Emusic is currently offering me $100 in free credit to reactivate my dormant account. That s a great deal, but I don t really wanna reactivate my account with them long term. It feels unethical to reactivate my account just so I can get the deal and then deactivate it again after I ve spent the additional credit. What do you think?

回答 (3)

2016-07-30 4:02 am
It is only unethical to the CEO of EMusic. Do what you must, or just order it from Amazon.
2016-07-30 2:09 am
The real confuser only knows where the actual confusion lies. Please ask Mr.Absent minded professor.(absntmnddprf).
參考: own
2016-07-29 10:57 pm
I assume that when they made such an offer they estimated the number of people who would accept the offer without making further purchases. They made a calculated risk, if they lose money on your accout it is their problem. Take advantage of the offer. You did not make any promises to buy their music.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:25:26
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