What is State/Province/Region mean? I live in CA 95112, US?

2016-07-29 6:05 pm

回答 (6)

2016-07-29 10:29 pm
Companies make out forms to fill out that can be used world wide.
Some Countries do not have STATES Like in the United States, They have Provinces like Canada.
If you live in the United States you put in your STATE and ingor the Province Region .
If you live in Canada you put in your Province.
If you live in a back water country in Africe you put in your Region.
2016-07-29 9:07 pm
Thats it.
2016-07-29 6:30 pm
Did you accidentally hit a Canadian or European site?

I'm German, so, state would be Bavaria, province Upper Palatinate, region Ratisbon. (or in German: Bayern, Oberpfalz, Regensburg)

afaik Canada has some similar state - province - region system.

Of course usually you take the zip code and don't care about the whereabouts. But in some way, I find it okay to ask for these details. It's just more friendly than to say "we bought a zip code resolver, we know where you are".
2016-07-29 6:13 pm
no need more ans i already got it :D thanks
2016-07-29 6:10 pm
region can be europe or russia for example
2016-07-29 6:06 pm
State would be California.

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