Is there a way for a man to get out of the freindzone? She knows I like her alot?

2016-07-28 10:30 pm

回答 (6)

2016-07-28 10:40 pm
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Yes but it's really hard and really really really not worth it unless you are 100% sure she's the one
2016-07-28 10:41 pm
WTF Gregory...just stop giving her your attention and start giving it to someone else.
2016-07-29 5:03 am
If she thinks of you as a friend it means you arent her type.
2016-07-28 10:42 pm
As it does not exist in the way you think then no ---- this is not a choice its how she feels and if she does not like you in a romantic way she can't change her mind ------- accept she has no romantic interest in you remain friends and move on with your life ----- of course there are some who use your feelings against you who don't care about you but want you to worship them when they don't care about you in the least
2016-07-28 10:40 pm
honestly, i'm a girl. and normally guys don't do anything to get out of the friend zone, that's a choice i make. but here's a secret. it becomes 100x easier to date them when i see that they CARE about me, and i mean genuinely care about me. take time out to talk to me. devote themselves to me. and are very very very sweet but not obsessive.
2016-07-28 10:33 pm
If you can have really good sex with her you'll win her over. Trick her into thinking that you're going to watch a movie with her on your couch. Then begin to kiss her on her neck 5 minutes into the movie. Start to make out with her and then uzip her pants and unstrap her bra and put your face in her crotch and wiggle your tongue around inside of her private area. Then turn her around and give it to her up against your living room wall while gritting your teeth and making a demonic looking face. Pound on her until juices start to come out of your shaft and you splurge jizzle all over the inside of her private area.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:24:52
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