Please help, my girlfriend is always trying to force her religion on me??

2016-07-28 4:48 am
We been together for almost 2 years.. When we first met, I told her that I was a an atheist and she told me she was Christian and I accepted that and I never ever tried to take her away from that or force her out of it... Every time she talks about the Bible and I disagree and give her my own opinion, she gets really mad and says science is all made up and not true.. It's like I'm not allowed to have my own opinion... She always says she's going to leave for good if I don't start believing and says going it's my fault if I lose her

回答 (21)

2016-07-28 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Then dump her first. Forget the underlying argument and ask yourself why do you want to be with someone who forces you to do what she wants by emotional blackmail.

It is the Bible and religion that is made up. She can offer no credible evidence to the contrary.

If she tells you that science is all made up tell her that is a childish claim, hardly the rational argument of an adult. Ask her to demonstrate which scientific facts are made up. Does she drive a car? Does she have a computer, smartphone, iPod, tablet or other electronic device? Does she ever use a washing machine or dishwasher? Does she switch on electric lights when it gets dark at night? If she's ill and goes to the doctor who tells her she has an infection and gives her antibiotics does she take them? If all the answers are affirmative ask her why she uses these fruits of scientific endeavour?

If she will not accept you as the person you are you need to walk now. Being in a relationship is all about compromise. It is not about turning one partner in to something they are not but which the other partner wants. If she cannot love who you are she cannot love you and your relationship is doomed. If you give in to this you will give in to all her demands and your relationship is doomed.
2016-07-28 4:52 am
Bludgeon her to death with a crowbar. Or just break up with her...your call.
2016-07-28 4:56 am
She must be giving you some wicked head
2016-07-28 5:26 am
Next time she threatens to leave, for good,
tell her that you are tired of that threat.


John Popelish
2016-07-28 4:59 am
Who cares? She's hot and she's putting out, right? Don't bring up religion and drag it out as long as you can, before she dumps you.
2016-07-28 5:44 am
Think! She is "still" just a girlfriend!
2016-07-28 5:43 am
f her HARDCORE! ! ! ! and then dump her
2016-07-28 5:21 am
It seems that you got hold of a fundy.
2016-07-28 5:09 am
She is heavily into denial from which I doubt you will be able to bring her out. On some level you probably realize that the relationship can't continue this way and unless you are willing to suppress your own rationalism it will lead to a very painful end. You know what you have to do.
2016-07-28 5:05 am
She likely follows a waterdown

Well, maybe waterdown is to lightly

A false christianity
2016-07-28 4:59 am
dump her
參考: duh
2016-07-28 6:00 pm
I think it might be best to end this relationship or at least give each other space for a while. You shouldn't have to feel like your opinion shouldn't be voiced. And considering the fact that she threatens to leave you over a difference of beliefs, I'd say that she's not worth it.
2016-07-28 1:41 pm
Please help, my girlfriend is always trying to force her religion on me??

- To whom is this a surprise.

It's like I'm not allowed to have my own opinion.

- Again, to whom is this a surprise.

She always says she's going to leave for good if I don't start believing and says going it's my fault if I lose her

- And as a typical fundie she is blaming you for her actions.
2016-07-28 11:05 am
Dump her.
2016-07-28 8:52 am
Is the pus*y that good? Cmon ,man!
2016-07-28 6:46 am
She should dump you. The bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
2016-07-28 5:53 am
Incorrect relationship.

She's wrong, not you.

She's to not have sex until married.
And marry a Christian.

Makes sense as you see here.

Google it for scripture show her.
She'll be angry leave, blame.

She's sinning.
2016-07-28 5:30 am
if you love her do it if not say bye felicia
2016-07-28 5:16 am
That's not right, you believe what you believe. Have a talk with her, sit down in a quiet place and explain to her that you understand her religion, and you just don't believe the same things she does and that that's okay. We all have different theories and if she really loves you she'll understand that you just don't believe the same things she does.
2016-07-28 5:56 am
Saying science is made up and not true is not accurate and immature. Your girlfriend cannot prove that claim. Now imagine with the logical world how inaccurate and immature the claim that God does not exist is. You got the picture? It seems that the 2 of you were made for each other.
2016-07-28 4:52 am
She is obediently following God's great commission. Either convert or stop dating her. The bible says that light has no fellowship with darkness.

Mark 16:15

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

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