I was at my orthodontist earlier and they were under renovation getting new wallpaper and cabinets...?

2016-07-28 2:34 am
My question is are these types of medical offices allowed to stay open under construction. And while the workers are there without supervision (after hours) is the office suppose to lock the tools and things up?

回答 (2)

2016-07-28 2:58 am
A dentists office wouldn't necessarily have to close because of renovation. If the treatment rooms were being renovated then individual rooms would have to be closed but the waiting room could be papered without too much disruption. It is the responsibility of the dentist and his staff to protect the equipment.
2016-07-28 2:42 am
yes they can stay open, no they dont have to lock away the equipment.

nothing in a dentist office that is there will be used on you or anyone when they close, it's all being steralised in heat treatment machines ready for use the next day.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:24:22
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