Is it possible to go to court for unpaid alimony that is 20+ years overdue? It was court ordered.?

2016-07-27 8:02 pm

Apologies for not being clear, however yahoo does limit the number of characters you can place in a question. I was awarded alimony and child support in 1986. My ex stopped paying all of the above in 1991, I had to previously take him to court to get back child support twice and was able to. The children went to live with him in 1991 so he stopped making payments including the alimony. I know that alimony is a separate entity from child support. I will check with an attorney for sure.

回答 (7)

2016-07-27 8:51 pm
Not in most states.
2016-07-27 8:37 pm
That depends on who you are. If you are the "child," you don't have legal standing to sue your father for support. Only the custodial parent for whom the order was written can do that.
2016-07-27 8:09 pm
Why did it go on for 20 years without being paid

When you ask questions be advised we are not mind readers and if you ask a question like this we have no idea what the rest of the question is
2016-07-27 8:05 pm
Could you collect it? If not, don't bother.
2016-07-27 8:05 pm
Every state decides for itself, how old a debt must be before it can not be collected. You would need to ask an attorney how long the statute of limitations is for your state.
2016-07-27 8:04 pm
You can try, I am not sure if there is a statute of limitations on that, but that should be your first question.
2016-07-27 8:03 pm
If you can get a lawyer interested, it's possible to go to court over anything. What your chance is of collecting anything is hard to predict. I'd say slim to none.

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