Why are people so selfish and never let a cat roam outdoors?

2016-07-27 5:23 pm

回答 (123)

2016-07-29 6:41 pm
I am 60 years old and have had many cats over the years. My cat now is 20 years old and I can guarantee she would never reached this age had she been an outdoor cat. My husband and I can take a short walk to the end of our driveway and meet up with a coyote.
We as society have domesticated the cat and it is wholly unfair and irresponsible to expect a cat to behave wild outside and take care of herself then come inside and be a domestic cat. Besides the obvious dangers, just look at the facts of a cat's longevity. Why isn't that reason enough? I call it protective. Why aren't you?
2016-07-28 12:23 am
Just a lot of research and studies that point out that indoor cats live 50% longer then cats allowed to freely roam outdoors. Plus a whole lot of us live in busy cities, have neighbors who don't appreciate cats using their lawns, backyards, child play areas, gardens as litter boxes. And one more reason recently arose for us--my brother was suddenly evicted from his house of the past 35 years, had to move in with mom who lives in a pet-free condo but his cats are all outdoors only cats who could not be caught so he had to just leave them behind and hope someone feeds them, etc. Had his cats been indoor cats, tame enough to live indoors, them they could have moved in with me.
2016-07-28 9:02 pm
Because those cats have an increased risk of death via other cats, cars, dogs, getting lost, ect. It also shortens their lifespan on average. Indoor cats live about 18-20 years, while outdoor cats rarely make it to 5. In fact, you're doing your cat a favor by being responsible and letting it live to its maximum life span. If you really want your cat to experience the outdoors, you can build a little pathway around your fence that is closed off. That way, cats can enjoy the outdoors safely. (click link to see the cat fence idea). Please be responsible cat owners!!!
2016-07-29 4:41 pm
There's a difference between selfish and protective. A stray cat had several kittens and they always crossed the street from a wooded area to the apartments.
They came around and some people fed them. There were about 6 kittens, to my knowledge all but one died crossing the road (this was NOT a highways, just a back road). These cats were street savvy and survivalists by their own right, but they were killed just the same. People who let their cats out all the time will more than likely find themselves in the animal shelter, looking for new cats.
2016-07-28 12:46 am
Well, I don't let my cats roam outdoors because we have bears, mountain lions, and cyotes. They would be killed and wouldn't stand a chance. Plus mosquitos can give them heartworm, they run risk of getting fleas or ticks, and other illnesses.
2016-07-27 11:15 pm
Perhaps because we don't want them squashed by a car, mauled by a dog, eaten by a coyote or fisher cat, or poisoned, or grabbed by the local preteens, soaked with gas and set fire, or hauled off to animal control? I don't feel it's selfish to NOT want those things to happen to a creature you supposedly love.
2016-07-28 5:06 am
People are soo very selfish not exposing their felines to toxoplasmosis!! How dare they!
But in all reality, toxoplasmosis is very real and can kill cats or mess them up to the point of having to put them down. Not to mention that some humans enjoy shooting animals with bb guns or the fact that cats love a nice cold drink and perhaps that drink is antifreeze. Or the cars that can kill their beloved feline friend or the nasty humans who like to steal the more gorgeous cats or how about contracting diseases like FELINE AIDS OR FELINE LUKEMIA.... how about the fact that my cats are registered to CCA and CFA and imported from Germany and isreal and cost 2000 dollars each and they can just stay safe and warm in my home with excellent bloodlines and showings, they do not need to be exposed to the outdoors and all the diseases they can catch.
參考: Ethical, morally based cat breeder. I breed because backyard breeders shouldn't exist and I love my breed of cat and am determined to perfect them! Also vet tech for 10 years.
2016-07-27 5:57 pm
Really? Is it selfish to not want your cat exposed to cars and be killed; exposed to fleas, ticks, FELV, FIP from other animals and stray cats: exposed to poisons that people who don't like cats put out to kill them; exposed to traps and be tortured or worse?

My cats are happy and healthy INSIDE the house.
2016-07-27 5:31 pm
Why should cats roam free, dogs, cows, pigs, horses, goats and so forth are not allowed.
Cats kept inside are safer, healthier, and longer.
2016-07-29 10:37 pm
We are not selfish! We are respectful to the environment, our neighbors, and other cats in the area! We don't want our cats to perish in the outdoors. Cats were made to be able to survive a world without cars and dogs in every yard, they were made to survive a natural world. We don't have that, so I would never let my cats out. They aren't trapped, because they get plenty of exercize and hunting practice by playing with toys or climbing around. If you want to let them outside, use a leash, like you do with a dog!!!
2016-07-28 7:06 pm
It's actually harder work to have an indoor cat; keeping them entertained and having to buy and change litter, so it's not something a selfish or lazy person would do. I wouldn't dream of letting mine go outside all over the place. They have a roof terrace that they're now old enough and sensible enough to use.

Right now, we have psychotic cat killers in England; it started in London but seems to have spread. It actually started in the area where my sister lives - she found one decapitated cat in the road next to hers - and I am so glad that when she adopted her cat, I persuaded her to keep him indoors, otherwise he might well be dead now.

My friend's cat was shot by some scumbag and his other one killed by foxes. Every day where I live, there's another missing cat. Many of them come home but some do not.

Am I selfish for wanting my cats to live a long, safe life? Go away.
2016-07-28 4:24 pm
Why do lazy slefish people let their cat roam outdoors so the cat can be ran over, shot, poisoned,stolen, and worse? Cats don't need to be outside. If we all used the logic of lazy cat owners then ALL pets need to be allowed to roam, including dogs so they can bite and maul kids, kill other pets and be ran over. And all small pets too. Including dangerous ones.

Cats belong indoors. When the cat is ran over, or shot or worse then the cat owner who was so lazy they let it outside has no right to whine, cry or anything since they didn't care about the cat
2016-07-27 5:28 pm
Cats should be kept in. They are terrible for the local birds and small animals. They just kill them for fun...it's not like they are hungry and need them for food.
2016-07-28 4:37 pm
And I wonder why people who live in urban settings would even consider letting one out.
There are diseases they can get from other cats like FIP.
There is vehicle traffic. There are people who will go out of their way to kill a cat on the road.
They become a nuisance to the neighbors.

A cat just needs a little food, plenty of water, a nice place to nap and some toys to keep them happy. Give them a cardboard box with some catnip and they are ecstatic. Cats are perfectly happy living their entire lives indoors.
2016-07-27 8:03 pm
Because I love my cats and don't want them smeared across the busy street we live next to or mauled by one of the many free roaming dogs that irresponsible people in my area let run free.
2016-07-27 8:40 pm
I don't know, some people are so selfish. Well, BRB I need to go let my cat get hit by a car, get hit by a train, get fleas or ticks, get mauled by a dog, get shot, and a lot more! I love my kitty so much...
2016-07-27 8:39 pm
because they don't want their cat to get hurt. i would never, ever let my cat outside without a leash.
2016-07-27 5:29 pm
Some people are protective of there pets. Also, some cats are supposed to live indoors.
2016-08-01 12:25 am
Letting cats roam outside it more selfish than the opposite. Outdoor cats are much more likely to contract illnesses and/or get injured. A indoor house cats' average lifespan is 15 years while a outdoor cat is only 4-6 years. I would say those people are benefiting the cat more but keeping them inside.
2016-07-28 4:41 am
Because unlike you, those of us who keep our beloved feline companions inside actually CARE about their safety. Some of us even CARE for the wildlife every outdoor cat will hunt and kill. We also CARE to make sure they don't become a pest to neighbors who don't fancy cats using their garden beds as a toilet. You go ahead and continue playing Russian roulette with your cats life though. And if caring for my cats safety makes me selfish then fine, I'm one selfish SOB and wouldn't change it for the world.
2016-07-29 8:13 am
I have 4 cats that are all kept indoors now, I used to let my cats out but I have had one poisoned as have lots of other local people so if it's selfish to want to keep my cats alive then so be it.
2016-07-29 3:21 am
That's a stupid question, I live right infront of a major highway and know my cats would play in the road or someone would hit them, on top of that two of my cats are black and i rather them stay alive and not find them skinned on my front poarch like a neighbor did last halloween. Is that selfish I care for the wellbeing for my cats? I do admit they have a huge window and a kitty playhouse that reaches the ceiling of my house
2016-07-29 2:42 am
In a controlled manner, like in a gated kennel outside or on a harness/leash, I feel like it's alright.

As for letting them out all the time, then that's another thing altogether... I've lost so many cats to coyotes up here, along with being run over by cars. It's not selfish, it's called looking out for them.
2016-07-28 2:50 am
why are people so selfish and put their cat outdoors to kill birds and other wildlife?
2016-07-28 12:37 am
Cats that roam freely tend to get into trouble with other cats, dogs, and fast-driving autos.
2016-07-27 11:31 pm
Many good answers; also, domesticated cats are not native to this country and disrupt the native animals. They also carry and spread toxoplasmosis and other pathogens to wildlife, other pets and humans. My cat was perfectly happy indoors.
2016-07-27 10:01 pm
My Siamese has sixteen thousand air conditioned square feet to move around in. It's enough.
2016-07-27 5:30 pm
If they live near busy roads I can see why
2016-07-30 10:23 am
the outdoors isn't somewhere the cat is gonna have fun exploring and just live a long healthy life.
This is what can happen:
-they can get lost then starve
-They can eat a diseased rodent or bird and get sick or die
-they can get ringworm and give it to you
-they can get fleas
-They can contract FIV or FELV from another cat
-they can be hit by a car
-they can get stuck in a car engine
-they get sick or die just from the elements
-they can get stolen
-someone could hurt them
-someone could use them for a crush video
-someone could sell them to "science" to be experimented and tested on
-a murder in the making could "practice" on them
-someone could light them on fire
-someone could just straight up kill them for food
-they could be sold to a fur manufacture to be skinned alive
-they could be stolen and used for BYB

These are very real things that do happen to cats and dogs. So get it through your uneducated skull, that keeping a helpless inoccent animal safe is not "selfish".
2016-07-29 10:21 am
I leave my kittens indoors from day one, it prevents them being taken, getting diseases and fleas. People say I should let them roam outdoors, but there are lots of cat stealing lady's in my neighborhood.
2016-07-28 7:59 pm
We have 3 cats that are house cats, it would selfish and cruel to let them run loose. Cats are at much higher risk of danger than dogs outside. So if you love your cats keep them INSIDE where they are SAFE. Just ask any vet.
2016-07-28 2:58 am
Cats live over twice as long being kept indoors. That doesn't mean they cat go out. You take then out with a harness or build a catio.

2016-07-28 2:23 am
Seems like more people agree this is more responsible than selfish, so next pet rant, Cheers..
2016-07-28 12:44 am
2016-07-28 12:24 am
Would you let your dog off leash and open the front door for him? Exactly.
2016-07-30 2:56 pm
I wouldn't say keeping a cat indoors is neccessarily selfish, depending on the circumstances.
Our cats have always been indoor/outdoor cats, but this is because they're fixed, and the only time they've ever left the yard is to follow us on walks. However, not all cats do this, and there's always the chance of them being injured, stolen, or lost. My grandfather lost his cats whenever coyotes moved into a grassy woodland area near his house.
Some cats also don't like being outdoors. One of our 5 enjoys being out the most because he was a stray kitten when we found him, but then another one of the 5 hasn't stepped foot outside since we've gotten her. Some cats just aren't a fan of the outdoors.
So I wouldn't say keeping a cat indoors is all that selfish; some people are aware of the dangers in their area, the cat might prefer being indoors, or the cat might have a medical condition keeping it inside. When we leave for longer than a few hours, or it looks like it may rain, we always make sure they're all indoors. It's really just a matter of preference.
2016-07-27 5:25 pm
Depends where they live. They might live in a big apartment house or an unsafe neighborhood.
2016-07-30 1:10 am
For some people, it's not selfish, there's an actual reason, such as having a kitten or not having their cat 'snipped' yet. There's also some cases where the cat themselves don't want to go out. I adopted a cat a couple of years ago that had been abused by her owners and had been found with her kittens about to be crushed in a scrap yard, and now she refuses to leave the house no matter how many windows are open. However, there are some people that enjoy the company. Some people adopt or buy cats as a therapy pet, to help with a mental illness or to comfort them. Some of these people may not be in a good area for the cat to leave the house, and they may also need the cat around in case they start panicking or stressing. Not that I'm saying that cats should be locked in and condemned to life as a house cat, but it's not always for selfish reasons.
2016-07-28 3:11 am
I have had cats my whole life and I would not even consider owning a cat and keeping it locked inside the house. Cats are animals and as such, should be allowed to go outdoors. Yes, there are risks of getting fleas or being attacked by wild animals, but those are the risks. As humans, we take risks every single day as we take care not to be careless.

And, that is how I treated my cats. I kept them inside at night and they were always allowed out during the daytime. As an adult, I have had two cats, at separate times and they both had long lives at 15 years each. Another cat died of feline leukemia and one cat, who just never came home one day. So, out of 35 years of owning cats and only losing one to the outdoor elements, that is a pretty good record, I'd say. Not to mention the cats we grew up with as kids.

I do not think that people are selfish about keeping their cats indoors. I just think those people do not want to take the risk of losing their beloved cat to a wild predator. Understandably so. Although I do not think it is right to keep animals locked up in a house, at least they are not at the animal shelter being scheduled to have their lives snuffed out. Right?
2016-07-31 12:45 am
My friend had two cats get hit by cars on two separate occasions..a family member had a cat that got hit by a car. I don't want my cat to get hit by a car, get fleas, get injured by another animal, get bit by a rabid animal, get lost, get taken by someone etc. So if keeping my cat safe is selfish then so be it.
2016-07-30 4:20 pm
Personally I don't let my cats out because of the fact people shoot cats around my area with bebe guns and mountain lions are in town. So that's my reason I wouldn't call it selfish if it's in the cats best interest
2016-07-30 3:49 pm
Most cat lovers are not selfish. If they are cat lovers they want their cats to stay healthy and safe. And if you had any common sense, you wouldn't ask this question.
2016-07-30 8:13 am
I'm pretty sure it'll be redundant former to answer, since everyone seems to have covered basically every reason, but another is that cats are more susceptible to diseases outside than inside. There's a bigger chance of them contracting Leukemia or whatever other disease is out there (cat leukemia, by the way, is terrible. I recently went to the shelter where they had three, 3 month old kittens with Leukemia.)
2016-07-30 12:15 am
That has nothing at all to do with being selfish. Sometimes people think "what if I have to move in with my parents or in-laws or go into an apartment" in neither of those cases would you be permitted to let your cat roam. And there are neighbors too like if you rent a house or own your own house who don't like pets digging up their garden and your pet might get shot with an arrow or disappear. But there are other things going on like big dogs and especially wild animals out there who aren't in a home situation and who are looking for food and your pet will become their supper. But you're supposed to be a responsible pet owner and keep tabs on your pet. Dogs must be leashed in a lot of places. Some cats won't let you leash them so they wander. Losing your pet could mean you're irresponsible, and especially if you don't have them chipped and neutered or spayed. It costs about $1200 a year (at least here) to own a pet. Do you have that kind of money to use from your income? You'd need to get yearly tags and shots for your pet. Here there are raccoons and other animals who "might" be rabid so would you let your pet out there to fend for itself against rabies and injuries or even death?
2016-07-29 8:46 pm
"Selfish" isn't the correct word. "Protective" is because statistically indoor cats live hearty for 12-15 years and up to 20 years and since an outdoor cat's lifestan is only 3-5 years, it's simply much safer and perfectly mentally and physically healthy for a cat to live indoors. Dogs can live exclusively indoors, too, it they can get enough exercise. While we're at it, ANY animal can live indoors if given the right environment!
2016-07-29 2:29 am
I happen to live in an area with lots of wildlife, both harmless and dangerous. The biggest dangers are coyotes and wolves. I also own a bengal cat, and he was expensive. I love him very much. All of the coyotes and wolves would gladly eat him alive if he wondered out of the house, so that's why I cant let him out. Also, I have friends who have had goats and even ducks go missing. All of them eventually found them dead, so I know that if my cat goes outside, he's likely going to get himself killed
2016-07-28 6:43 pm
Some people won't because they live in cities or busy towns and are scared of their cat getting hurt or killed.
2016-07-28 2:07 pm
If I let her roam she'll catch wing worm you Twit!
2016-07-28 1:12 pm
With that comment you just gave legitimate grounds for whoever to take a BB gun or pellet gun and shoot at a cat.
2016-07-28 2:15 am
well i love my cats and i live right next to a busy street in a rough neighborhood
2016-07-29 12:52 am
I have a indoor cat,but only cos l moved,and l tried numerous times to let him out,everytime he goes missing,he ends up weeks later at my old place where l lived,l have been lucky to catch him everytime...l now am terrified to let him out cos when he goes back to my old home he is crossing a main motorway,l cant believe he's not been killed yet..
I love him to pieces he is ginger,l am bit protected over him but l rather he be inside and not getting killed crossing that motorway,I have just bought a cat harness trying to train him on it,so l can take him for walk also to try get him used to his new home and surrounding outside,but he's well looked after even though he doesn't go outside
2016-07-28 9:46 am
I have 3 cats and I let them roam outside whenever they want. It's healthy for them because they get to breath the fresh air and act like they aren't locked in a box 24/7. Some people might just be scared of letting they're cat out because they can't protect it when it goes out. I have lost some cats when they were crossing the road to a huge field and forest across the street. But I believe that many people are afraid of their cat getting lost and never coming back, or having it stolen. Hope this helped!
2016-10-01 5:02 am
It's the other way around; people who let cats roam are the selfish @ssholes. They don't care about their neighbors and their neighbors' property. They don't care about their own cat either. Other people don't view your cat as "Sweetums"; it's a nuisance that they're going to abuse if not outright kill. And there's cars, coyotes, diseases. How dumb can people be not to understand this?
2016-08-02 8:13 am
I wouldn't necessarily consider it selfish. I mean one time my grandma had an outdoor cat and it went into the woods, and it's leg got bitten off by a coyote and died of blood loss. So we like to keep our cats inside but that's just an opinion.
2016-08-01 3:00 pm
I adopted my cat at 5 years old, she's 8 now. She was always an indoor cat and was declawed in the front before I adopted her. I live in the country, but live along a somewhat busy road. I wouldn't feel comfortable letting her out for many reasons: declawed so she couldn't really defend herself, always indoor, live along a busy road, a lot of wildlife where I live. She's a happy, spoiled kitty.
2016-08-01 12:09 am
Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, owls, and eagles for starters. Then you have stray dogs, or Bob cats. I love my cats, I don't think that's selfish. Over the years we have lost too many to the above, plus coyotes. I still feed strays or feral cats that comes up.
2016-07-30 6:53 pm
You don't understand animals. Domestic cats are perfectly happy with food they didn't have to hunt for, kitty litter, and people to pet them. If you would look at it from a cat's point of view, you'd see that.
2016-07-30 8:20 am
Has nothing to do with selfishness, more for the health and security of the cat. Fights with neighbor cats and vagabond cats, getting fleas and parasites etc. If you really love and want a healthy cat, keep her indoors.
2016-07-30 6:54 am
There r lots of reasons to that answer my cat was a stray. Her parents where found dead close to where she was and she had an eye infection and she was roaming around with her brothers and sisters and my cousins friends found her and picked her up and brought to my cousins house and I had stood over that day. From the start me and the little kitten had a bond we found out the gender and named her brooklyn. Sooner I asked and was aloud to keep her a few months later the kitten ran outside in the freezing cold winter and was meowing cold to death I had found her after a lot of looking and I took her inside and she sat by the fireplace. Now she goes out all the time and it's hard to stop her because she plans things and one day I found her mating in the backyard and I tried to stop her but it was to late and she was recently In heat which was worse now she is pregnant and ready for birth that is one reason, maybe the cat doesn't wanna go out it doesn't always reflect on the owner though..
2016-07-29 10:00 pm
We live next to a busy highway in flea and tick country with many stray dogs in the neighborhood.

No way is my cat going outside.
2016-07-29 8:12 pm
Because they can get worms or parasites or get attacked by dogs or gators or hawks.
2016-07-29 8:09 pm
2016-07-29 6:01 pm
Because the cat may not be spaded, unnecessary fights with other animals, devil worshipping cat killers,etc.
2016-07-28 11:19 pm
Some people who live in flats and have cats will not be able to let their cat outside as it would not be able to get back in. Also, cats can enjoy life inside a house, and be healthy, as long as they are provided with grass, a scratching post and someone/something to play with
2016-07-28 10:39 pm
If my cat would go out side I'd let it, but she hates it. You take her 20 feet from the door and she freaks out then runs back inside. And she's super fat!
2016-07-27 9:41 pm
Some cats just don't even like to go outside. They have their territory delineated....inside.
2016-07-29 3:06 pm
When my dog can roam the streets and in your yard, then cats will also be free to roam.
2016-07-29 2:48 am
Some people don't neuter cats, so they get pregnant, etc. Besides, not all cats are outdoor cats. Some cats naturally prefer staying inside.
2016-07-28 12:33 pm
We have four cats and let them all roam outside by themselves. However our neighbours do not let their cats outside by themselves. They've build this enclosure almost like a zoo for their two cats to roam in and it has a tunnel leading to the cat flap. Their cats are not allowed to leave the cage and they've been doing that for their cats since they first got them.
2016-07-31 2:33 pm
I let meh cat roam outdoors cuz hes the king of all cats ;3
2016-07-28 10:39 pm
The majority of people who keep a cat indoors don't do it to be selfish.
Many keep their cat indoors because they live in an area that it would be dangerous for their cat to go outside. Large predators, lots of traffic or a high crime area for example. Another reason is that the cat has health problems and it would be dangerous for the cat for it to be outdoors and its owner to not be able to locate it for medication etc or dangerous because due to its medical problem it has to have restricted exericse or cannot flee from predators/climb etc.

However if people have a backyard its quite simple to put a up a cat run or cat fence.
I do think its cruel to keep any animal cooped up somewhere where it has no access at all to the outdoors.

Yes there are some selfish people who keep cats in cages or crates all day for breeding purposes, they never let them out because the cat is not a living creature with a personality and feelings and desires to them but one of their assets.

Also, some cats do not like to go outdoors, I've known of a couple of rescued cats (rescued from outdoors) that had such a horrible experience of living outdoors that when they got rehomed they rarely went further than the backdoor step.

Many people don't want to let their cats out because they don't want them killing wildlife.

Also from experience if you live in an area with a lot of wildlife and they do hunt, the cats will always need worming and flea treatment.

People can debate until the cows come home but there are pros and cons to keeping cats indoors and outdoors.

Indoor Pros: Always know their whereabouts
No risk from traffic, predators, being stolen etc
Can monitor their health/diet easy
24/7 access to cat cuddles

Indoor cons: You need to exercise and entertain your cat, especially if the cat is not young or interested in self exercising toys.

You need to spend more on catfood as most outdoor cats hunt and eat it or eat at their friends houses or the various people who stupidly don't microchip cats and believe every one without a collar that shows up for kitty junk food is a stray.

You need to clean litter trays.

You will need to train your cat depending on its personality, some cats will smash, claw, wreck your house if you don't intervene.

Cats can develop mental health problems and illness caused by the stress of being kept in, some enjoy it but many would prefer the option to go outside and being forced to stay in causes ill health for them, you then have those extra bills.

Outdoors cons: The risk of being stolen, killed, injured, poisioned, trapped, lost etc ( keeping indoors does not eliminate injury or death, also an indoor cat getting out is more likely to get lost and not find its way home, especially if its been wanting to 'escape' for a couple of years and then gets a taste for freedom. Sadly I know of a few peoples cats who where injured or killed whilst living indoors by home accidents)
You cannot control your cat, if your going on holiday and your cat decides to not come home that week/day/night etc then you will either have to cancel it or find others who will look for your cat whilst your away, you wont enjoy yourself if your worrying all of the time where it is etc ... it causes a lot of stress when you don't know when your cat is. GPS collar is the only way to eliminate this but they can still come off if the cat becomes stuck...
The impact on wildlife, occasionally a cat may catch something you'd rather it had not and bring it home, dead or alive or injured.
Problems with neighbours who hate cats.

Outdoor pros: Limitless health benefits. Wild varied diet. Able to live a more natural lifestyle. If you are a farmer or grow food or keep other animals they are good for keeping the rodent/piegon/common bird populations down. Your cat needs brushing less as rolls around and scratches against trees etc
You don't need any scratching devices as they use trees.
No litter tray to clean out.

Probably more....
2016-07-28 3:10 pm
Because they hate animals. Sad but true :-(
2016-07-27 5:37 pm
I know! Just like you should never put a big athletic dog in a tiny apartment you should never put a cat somewhere that it can't ever be outdoors. They suffer SO much!
2016-07-28 8:46 am
I honestly don't believe that anybody who lives in towns and uses that as a reason to not let their cat out of the house should not have bought a cat at all because it is selfish. All I know is that I, any of us really, as humans would not like to spend every waking day of our lives indoors so what makes people so selfish that they will buy a cat knowing it will never go outdoors because of "where they live?"
2016-11-20 11:17 pm
well the question's answer is,people are indeed selfish enough that they don't trust their cat and the poor thing lacks formal training to come back...if you let a cat out it literally has the possbillity of getting lost while hunting for a bird or rat and it leads to a lot of stress,tension for it's owner...apart from that cat's are better left out-side but the main problem is,if the owner is allergic to numerous things then what he does by not letting the cat out is quite justificable...
2016-08-05 3:56 am
My cats have had cat flu, and any contact with it again would kill them. That's why I don't let my cats outside.
2016-08-03 6:51 pm
I want my cats in my lap, not squished in the middle of the street. It's called responsible pet ownership.
2016-08-03 11:07 am
The most important reason is that people are afraid of the lost of their cats. because everyday we can see there are posters on the street for the lost of cats. For fear of the lost of the cats, many people have had their cats mirochipped. Even in some countries, it is forcible that the adopted cats should be morichipped. This is a good way to avoid your cats lost.
2016-08-03 7:06 am
3.running away
4.Getting pregnant (if female)
5.Getting rabies
6.Getting attacked by another animal
7.Getting hit by car
8.poisoned by the neighbor
9.Someone thinking they're homeless and keeps them as their own
10.Getting diseases

2016-08-03 1:08 am
Fleas. 'Nuff said.
2016-08-02 10:41 pm
Unlike dogs, most cats are independent and they're happiest when they get to live the "wild" life with guaranteed warm shelter and food to fall back on. The way they exhibit their wild nature is why we like to keep them - to see the miniature tiger. I'm sure that cats kept indoors live longer lives. So do people who are kept indoors, I expect. So what?
2016-08-02 10:06 pm
There are lots of reasons mostly because they don't want there cat running away because they love there cat. another one is that there cat isn't nutterd and they don't want a bunch of kittens running around the house.
2016-08-02 5:06 pm
It's not selfish, it's the humane thing to do. Cats who live indoors only live more than twice as long as cats who are outside. Outside cats are not pets really...... if they are not indoors why bother having one?
2016-08-02 11:05 am
What kind of a question is that?
12 words or fewer words question having the most answers is the winner.
You got 118 answers so far, keep going.

Making random assumptions about people and cats or not knowing what the word “selfish” mean?
You automatically antagonize anybody having an indoor cat and not being selfish.
You’re losing points for using the wrong word which is a form of cheating.

It’s not clear if you’re talking about other people and your cat or other people and their cats?
It’s just “a” cat.

Some residential communities have “guidelines” for any pets outside your property to be kept on a leash but still, dog’s owners let their dog roam unleashed in your backyard to bite your toddler playing there or crap on your lawn. One of my neighbors even had the audacity to daily use my frontyard for his dog’s toilet without picking up the crap. The kind of neighbor who walks the dog after work while wearing a cheap business suit, surely not going for a walk/jog.

He kept his dog on a leash but still, did not pick up the crap which is in the community guidelines, as well as the city/county/state guidelines.
I feel I have to pay double for teens to mow my lawn if there’s stinky dog’s crap flying all over the place.
Once, I happened to came home at exactly the same time he was having his dog crap on my front yard…I throw him out a plastic grocery bag, which he ignored.
It would take too much space to tell you what happened around 2-3am that night.
I’m like my metaturnal cat: I sleep 3 hours before and 3 hours after but I’m wide awake in the middle of the night.
Needless to say, in the morning, none of my neighbors had dog crap on their lawn and all the dog crap and the ducks/geese/swans crap around the lake disappeared while my neighbor needed a professional cleaning service to clean up his house, windows, front porch, stairs!

Some dog’s owners ostensibly carry a plastic bag to make people believe they’re picking up their dog’s poo…but they don’t. Others actually pick it up just to drop the bag in the next garbage can they encounter on the side of the road, even AFTER the garbage truck came by, so now the garbage can’s owner has to deal with the smell of dog crap for a week at 98°F.

For cats, outside cats cannot be restricted by a fence.
They’re like trapeze artists, jumping fences and walls, climbing roofs…
Female cats stay in their backyard but tomcats, males in heat come serenading at night (= worse noise than a coyote) under your windows, even if your female cat is spayed.
You feel the need to apologize to your neighbors (the good ones) about having a spayed female cat still attracting noisy tomcats during mating season.

You have many different cats, different situations that call for different actions/reactions.

You would not let an expensive breed cat roaming outdoors…I’d see one (probably a curious escapee), I’d grab it for its protection, take it to my vet to scan for the microchip and collect the reward. Most breed cats, like Munchkins (those are funny/cute looking) are used to humans, affectionate and easy to catch.

Some cats don’t have access to a backyard like the cats living in buildings in cities and are fine staying indoors, just make sure you have screens on your windows so they don’t fall off.
If you want to take your cat outdoors, you’ll need a cat harness with a leash.

Some people live next to heavy car traffic and cats, especially tomcats going berserk when in heat, will cross the street in search for a female cat and might get run over, then will end up in the next garbage truck coming by. Where I live, garbage companies have contracts to pick up road kills, mostly squirrels, opossums, raccoons but also cats and dogs.
Even if your cat is microchipped, you’ll never know what happened to it as “sanitation engineers” do not have animals’ scanners.

Some cats (they’re predators and territorial) are only going outdoors during twilight, twice/day to “check out the perimeters and establish territory” also to munch on grass to induce vomiting and clean up the stomach to avoid painful hairballs.
Cats are true carnivores but will eat grass to get rid of the hair that they swallow while grooming.
Twilight is between dawn and sunrise, and sunset and dusk.
My previous cat did that for a couple of minutes, staying next to my house.
During the day, she would bask in the morning sun on my screened porch.

It took a year for my current cat to “happen” to me (I could never choose a cat in a shelter).
By that time, neighborhood cats claimed/divided the outside of my house at their territory.
My cat could reclaim my backyard/frontyard but she’d have to fight for it, with my help + she’s fine having the inside of my house as her territory where I grow inside cat grass (+ using a cat brush, a lint brush, paw gel, special hairball diet when it’s hot and she’s shedding more…).

Some very bad neighborhoods have very bad people, besides the junky with a knife and wanting your money, and will try to catch roaming domestic cats used to humans and not wild, to sell them for $20/each to a lab where they’ll be tortured for the rest of their life.

Some people want/need a cat but cannot afford to pay the Human Society about $100 to adopt one. Half of the money goes for the shelter care, food/water, litter box, health checkup, the other half goes to pay for the neutering (male) or spaying (female) + you get vetted (name, address, phone number, ID…) and need a vet to prove that your cat is a patient and getting proper vaccine, especially rabies vaccine that is mandatory.
So…they steal a roaming cat!!!
2016-08-02 6:57 am
My best friend had a cat for 5 years and she let her roam outside everyday. One day the cat left and got ran over.
2016-08-02 2:39 am
Coyotes of the world unite! We want delicious cat meat more available to us!

That's why people never let their cats roam outside. We like our cats to live to ripe old age rather than to be eaten.
2016-08-01 7:18 am
2016-08-01 2:29 am
Only you can prevent forest fires!
2016-07-31 9:54 pm
I know someone who moved into a nice house with a really nice backyard. Their cat came back with fleas.
2016-07-31 5:06 pm
Because the fox that lives nearby could eat them, they could be run over by cars, they could be bitten by a snake, they could be killed by a feral dog, they could be infected with a disease from a feral cat, they could get lost, they could be taken by a large hawk, and because I am not stupid enough to let them do it.
2016-07-31 4:51 pm
Cause they find trouble or are not fixed
2016-07-31 11:27 am
First off your stupid! Second not all cats want to be outside. I have two cats and they freak out if I try bringing them outside. They make this horrible crying sound.
2016-07-31 2:14 am
Let me ask you, if you had a child - would you let it play in traffic? How could one be so selfish, not to let a child roam outdoors.
2016-07-31 1:58 am
Not really. Maybe they live in an area where it is dangerous for a cat to roam around. Or they don't want their car that's not "had it cut off" getting
/making any cats pregent. I think it's selfies to calla whole group selfish, she u don't know their reason.
2016-07-31 12:19 am
How's it selfish?
2016-07-30 11:14 pm
If you want your cat to get hit by a car, or get picked up by animal control, go ahead and let it roam.
2016-07-30 10:21 pm
because they dont like cats so they dont want to room around there garden
2016-07-30 10:52 am
They r very strange ppl indeed
2016-07-30 10:25 am
i do
2016-07-30 8:13 am
It's not selfish some cats just arnt outside cats
2016-07-29 11:42 pm
I have 3 cats, the mother is a ferrel who chose 5 years ago in the bad storms to trust me enough to have her kittens behind my sofa. She was terrified of humans, heavily pregnant ( due to birth at any time shortly) and full of fox mange, She is called squeak, as she didn t know how to meow!. Squeak has remained with me til this day, and will for many years to come, with 2 of her kittens. My door is always left open when i am at home, and my windows 24/7, i have a garden flat, and purposely fitted window blocks so that Squeak and her kitties Mozart and Ebony, can freely come and go as they please, (the blocks were fitted soley for this purpose, so as not to give enough space for burgulars!). It is the most natural instinct for a cat to chase, hunt and catch their prey, this builds not just their natural instincts but boosts their confidence considerably aswell. The only time that my Babies are kept in, is if one has to go to the vets, and have to fast before treatment. Cats are an absolute pleasure, and an honour that they choose us to be with, as no-one Actually owns a cat, they choose you!! My babies come home purely because they CHOOSE to!!! So yes!, as much as we worry for these beautiful balls of fluff, treat them as we would our own babies, the one thing that we need to remember is that even with a child we have to give them that independence, (although it can be very fraught!!!), and let them develop instinctively, socially, confidently, but most of all Naturally!!! That IS LOVE!!!!
2016-07-29 10:22 am
It depends on many things...
2016-07-29 3:26 am
2016-07-29 2:14 am
2016-07-29 2:07 am
Most owners don't because the cats may get lost. But there are still many people who do.
2016-07-28 9:47 pm
2016-07-28 8:37 pm
I would want my cat on the street were it can get hit by a car
2016-07-28 6:17 pm
I see many many dead cats on the side of the road I think it may be a safety concern.
2016-07-28 4:56 pm
2016-07-28 9:34 am
love me cat
2016-07-30 1:12 pm
Most people that don't allow their cat out live in busy towns or near roads, I live in a small town and indoor cats are rarely heard off I normally see a cat as soon as i step outside.

I agree that cats should be let out but people do not want the risk off them getting hurt
2016-07-28 7:43 am
Sometimes it's because they leave hair and their smell on the furniture
2016-07-30 5:12 am
I let mine roam outside. Especially if he's nauseated so he can eat the grass and throw up. My other one doesn't go anywhere except for my room, the litter box and the kitchen
2016-07-30 4:42 am
Many people won't let their cats go outside, but there are a few people out there who have feelings and thoughts similar to yours about letting cats outside. You would love the cat ranch, a residential house that had 7 cats living there at one point..the backyard had an acre of land with a fence going around it, so the kitties can outside whenever they'd like. The inside of the house had at least 4 cats litter boxes as well as ramps along the walls that kitties use all the time for transportation and play. The house was rather spacious and mostly quiet (sometimes music was played but otherwise very peaceful). I can't even count how many critters the cats have hunted and brought in. They eat on the table instead of the humans. They not only can go on the furniture but even some of their usual sleeping spots is on furniture. This house (the cat ranch) is where the cat rules the house and was made for them, because the cat caregiver loves the kitties so much. You would like it. :)
2016-07-29 1:15 pm
Don't know what is wrong with such people. I'd even let a cat come indoors. I find cats very cute and they are sort of good companion when you are lonely.
2016-07-29 2:43 am
Honestly I think it depends on where you live. If you live in the city then I don't think your cat should ever be outside. In the suburbs its a bit different, but I'd be afraid of someone stealing my cats. Out in the country the only thing you really have to worry about are fleas and wild animals. If you live out in the country then you should definitely let your cats out! Just my opinion though.
2016-07-28 4:33 pm
Our last two cats could come and go as they pleased ( we lived in a pretty big neighborhood without any real dangers) and they never strayed too far from home, coming home every night. Our cat now used to come and go but when we relocated, it was close to a lot of main roads where I would sadly see lots of dead pets and since I love my cat I'd rather not find her on the side of the road.
2016-07-28 8:24 pm
My parents don't let my cats out but I let my cats in the yard, when I move they will be outdoor cats. Really, one of my two cats hates the outside, I let her out and all she wants is in.
2016-07-29 4:49 pm
Because someone are selfish. They consider a cat as a toy or a tool.
2016-07-27 5:46 pm
you mean where it will run away and NOT come back when you're ready for bed? - most people get their cats declawed and with no claws - it can't defend itself outside
2016-07-27 5:25 pm
cats are predators I'm ok with cats they don't bother me the only thing that does is they like to use a box of sand as a litter tray and have dismembered birds on my path..only doin what their instincts tell them to do...others will try and kill animals like cats for that reason and they aren't selfish they are pure evil
2016-07-28 11:25 am
Well the question's answer is,people are indeed selfish enough that they don't trust their cat and the poor thing lacks formal training to come back.If you let a cat out it literally has the possbillity of getting lost while hunting for a bird or rat and it leads to a lot of stress,tension for it's owner.Apart from that cat's are better left out-side but the main problem is,if the owner is allergic to many things then what he does by not letting the cat out is quite justificable.
2016-07-27 5:27 pm
Cats suck

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