Is it stupid to get four tattoos?

2016-07-27 5:09 pm
I'm getting four tattoos two are my son and daughters name and birth date and two are to honor the two children that are deceased? Should I get them all done at once or space them out like two at a time? I'm a tattoo virgin so I'm unsure.

回答 (11)

2016-07-30 12:57 pm
Um no not at all says who? It's not stupid you could obviously get them as much as you want.
2016-07-28 4:46 am
not stupid at all.
2016-07-28 1:15 am
Get one that resembles them all. Or maybe the first letter of their names.
2016-07-27 10:44 pm
I would first find an artist that you are comfortable with talking to. You will be spending quite a bit of time with this person and you want the designs to be exactly what you are looking for. After speaking with your artist they will decide what would be best. if they are small and simple lettering/numbering then doing all 4 at once should not be an issue at all. If they are intricate with designs and coloring then spacing them out may be best.
2016-07-27 10:03 pm
it's not stupid if you want them and can afford them so if you want them get them
2016-07-27 9:15 pm
I would spread them out. Four tattoos at one time is a lot and will probably be rather painful.
2016-07-27 5:17 pm
Absolutely not stupid. I would certainly think about the placement and design for awhile to make sure it's exactly what you want. Then get one done to get the feel for it. Then from there decide if it was easy to sit through, if so just do the rest in one day if not space them out. Your not suppose to get them wet so I like getting mine done in the winter that way I'm not sweating all over it and constantly in the lake and pool. If you want a tattoo to honor someone never let anyone shove thier opinions down your throat. Go for it and do it the right way and I promise you will love them. Good luck
2016-07-27 5:13 pm
its your body.. people can give you opinion..but decision still lies on you.. i just feel that if you want to have it then have it.. because you already have that thought from the start.. why not make all tattoos..?
2016-07-27 5:13 pm
You'll probably be happier not doing them all at once. It will also depend on the size, where on your body and your pain tolerance. Do one and then you can know whether to do the rest one at a time or all at once.
2016-07-27 5:12 pm
The size of the tattoo is what will be important. You can literally sit and get tattooed for 12 hours strait but if you can't take the pain then you can't. If they are all smaller tattooes I see no reason why you can't get them all at the same time. Except keep this in mind, when you have a fresh tattoo, you can't sleep on it. So if you have 4 different tattoos on different spots on your body, it may make it difficult for you to sleep until the tattoos are healed.
2016-07-27 5:11 pm
I think that these are great reasons to get tattoos, but because you don't have any tattoos you may want to space them out and do only one at a time. talk with your artist and see what they say, they may think you will be ok to do 2 or 3 at a time, or they may want you to start off with one and see how it goes.

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