Easy vegan snacks?

2016-07-27 5:01 pm
Im a vegan and i need better snack ideas besides plain fruit.

回答 (13)

2016-07-27 5:12 pm
-Crackers/vegan bread and hummus, nut betters, vegan jam, pesto, etc.

-Fruit dipped in nut butters

-Dark chocolate and fruit

-No-bake bites: 2 cups Granola, 1-2 tablespoons carob chips, 1/2 cup thick nut butter (add a little more 1 tablespoon at a time if not enough, but not TOO much or it will all fall apart and be goopy and runny) shredded coconut- blend everything together, roll up into balls or smash flat, chill for 2-4 hours, and enjoy. Keep chilled in air-tight container for up to a week. Add whatever you like that's vegan too, these are REALLY versatile.

-Roast a lot of onions and peppers, and dice into big chunks. Heap on top of crackers or naan for a quick bite.

2016-07-27 5:06 pm
Plain fruit is the best. but yeah you can get tired of it.
I have 2 pieces every day.
but sometimes in the afternoon i need something different.
vegan cookies and soy milk.
actually just a glass of soy milk is sometime enough. I also like chocolate flavored plant milks as a quick and easy snack.
or sometimes i just stick a frozen banana in the blender.
or i get fancy and make a nice frozen banana smoothie with chocolate flavored plant milk and maybe some peanut butter
Humus and crackers
corn chips and bean dip or salsa
peanut butter on celery or apples
fruit salad.
vegetarian spring rolls.
2016-07-27 6:14 pm
For me Guacamole and chips or oreos
2016-07-27 5:10 pm
Veggies and hummus
Wasabi peas
Rice cakes
Nut butters
Rye tack
2016-07-27 5:04 pm
ants on a log
(Celery with peanut butter and raisins on top)
2016-07-29 3:48 am
roasted chickpeas
hummus + pita chips, tortilla chips, or veggies
trail mix (mix together your favorites nuts, dried fruit, and pretzel sticks)
banana sushi: spread peanut butter or almond butter on a tortilla or flatout, put a banana on one end and roll up. slice.
2016-07-28 4:34 pm
try new fruits. fruit should never get boring. there are more varieties of fruits than there is time to eat them in one life
2016-07-28 10:24 am
Slice eggplant into large rectangles (about an inch wide) and cover in salt. Let sit for 10 minutes then ring out and rinse very, VERY well. Coat in flour and seasonings of choice (no salt) and bake on an oiled tray, in oven at a moderately high temperature until crunchy and slightly browned.
2016-07-28 7:17 am
Apple slices with peanut butter (or any nut butter of your choice).
- Alternatively you can core and slice an apple into rounds, spread some PB on top and sprinkle with granola or dark choc chip pieces and either sandwich it with another round or not.

Hummus and Vegetables ( Carrot,Celery,Capsicum,Cucumber,Radishe etc), Pita Chips or any other vegan approved cracker.
- Not a fan of the humble classic hummus? Try out these different recipes:

Nuts of your choice or Popcorn
- Unsalted mixed raw nuts are a favourite of mine. Get bored with raw or plain roasted? Try some of these out!: https://www.buzzfeed.com/midlifecroissant/15-ways-to-unleash-your-passion-for-nuts-this-wint-1y716
Just remember to watch the sodium and don't gorge. A small handful can go a long way.
- Plain or Vegan marge buttered popcorn doesn't do it for you? Take a look at these beauties!:

More Vegan Snacks:
2016-07-28 3:10 am
2016-07-28 2:49 am
Carrot and celery sticks with made a hummus dip.
2016-07-28 1:34 am
veggies, oreos, Ritz crackers, pb&j sandwiches,
2016-07-27 5:15 pm
gluten free products

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