I bought a pack of redbulls from a convenience store and they are labeled in Spanish?

2016-07-26 10:33 pm
Does this mean they were cheaper to buy? But more importantly, does this mean there could be any harmful ingredients in it that arent in ordinary redbull? I fear I got ripped off because this could be cheap mexican redbull

回答 (2)

2016-07-28 3:26 am
OMG you are worried about harmful foreign ingredients in REDBULL?? That stuff is so poisonous to start with, it really does not matter what else is in it from another country. Do yourself a favor and get away from that crap~~ drink water; your body will definitely thank you.
2016-07-26 10:34 pm
Lol why would the ingredients be any different they are made by the same company

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