Savages did this very nimbly, gleaming through the waves with their warpaint fading along their arms and shoulders, ....?

2016-07-26 4:58 pm

回答 (2)

2016-07-26 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Gleaming is not here to describe the warpaint nor the eye sight of the savages. It is here to describe the movement of the savages moving through the waves!
2016-07-27 2:19 am

例如以上的中文寫作,用了很多中文的形容詞和"成語",亦不能把它們(例如「不費吹灰之力」直譯或理解為"less than the strenght to blow on ashes"而是"effortless"或用類似的英文諺語"it is a piece of cake"。

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