Is Hillary Clinton an idiot or just a lying thief?

2016-07-26 3:25 pm

回答 (5)

2016-07-26 3:27 pm
She's not dumb, but her morals are in the sewer.
2016-07-26 3:27 pm
both and more
2016-07-26 3:34 pm
She doesnt know what she is talking about. She is a double talker, a spinner of facts and mostly is good at B.S. She cant answer questions directly, she doesnt know whats going on.
2016-07-26 3:27 pm
You must be thinking of Trump
2016-07-26 3:30 pm
Neither, like Trump she is a politician. All politicians are liars, all politicians seem to be idiots at times. It is a game that is played with the American people. They do crazy crap to appeal to a section of voters and then hope that our 10 second attention span will hold true while they say and do something else to appeal to a different section of voters. The truly sad part is it normally works. The "standard" American can't even tell you who won the civil war or when the Declaration of Independence was signed. But hey they can tell you what was on the Kim Kardashien show last week and who Ben Afflek is married to.. Now those are important issues that every American should know.

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