How to not be afraid of dying?

2016-07-26 4:36 am
I'm afraid of dying. And I want to overcome it.

回答 (5)

2016-07-26 5:07 am
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I think everybody is secretly scared of death. The best way to overcome it is to know that it happens to everyone so you aren't alone. You just focus on doing everything you want to do in life so you have no regrets and have the best life ever. If you are religious even better! Its comforting to think that when people die they are all at the same place and not alone
2016-07-26 7:19 am
I'm sure there are other things you should worry about and dying isn't one of them. I had a heart attack back in February and i dyed twice on the way to the hospital and i didn't know it until i was told about it latter. So I'm not afraid of it because if it happens you won't know about it anyway
2016-07-26 6:09 am
2016-07-26 4:40 am
Are you afraid of dying your hair or death. For dying your hair, don't do it too often, it'll kill your hair. Kf it's death you fear i fear it too. I think that there are many things i haven't done yet and then i think that there are people i can't see whilst i'm still living. Greater of two evils. Is it better to live a long life or is it better to die young?
2016-07-26 4:39 am
I'm not sure I'm also having this problem since about 2 months ago when I was only half a centimetre away from getting hit by a car on a round about. Now it disturbs my thoughts a lot :/

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