How to punish my kid for drinking a beer and sneaking out?

2016-07-26 1:40 am
Creative punishments, im thinking just some good spankings.

回答 (15)

2016-07-27 4:19 pm
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You can have him wash out the trash bin until it's spotless and odorless. If you have any pets you can also have him clean up after them. If there's anything in need of a fresh coat of paint or repairs make him do that. Also make him mowe the lawn and weed the plants. It'll teach him about manual labor and to appreciate everything you've ever done for him.
2016-07-26 3:09 am
Grounded for 2 weeks, take away all electronic gadgets, including phone, and LIMITED TV. You must nip this now or it WILL get worse.
2016-07-26 1:42 am
does he have any video games or other electronics he uses regularly? take those away for a month. does he have a license? take that away for a month. or hide your car keys.

make him do chores around the home - mowing lawn, cleaning, laundry, etc.
2016-07-28 3:39 pm
Tell him a story about people who have died of drinking and lock all the doors at night and observe him until he is responsible. Get him to a police officer and have the men in blue explain to him what happens to naughty people like him.
2016-07-26 8:02 pm
Spanking is useless and only is for the parent to vent frustration.

Let the punishment fit the crime.

For instance. My young son took his tricycle out of our driveway and into the road. My husband told him his punishment was that he could never have ice cream again. Well, that was a stupid punishment because there was no way on earth we could ever enforce such a ridiculous thing. So, I superseded the punishment by telling my son that daddy made a mistake and that the punishment was that he could not ride his tricycle again for three days. Now, that was more like it.

So, since your child drank beer, let the punishment fit the crime. Tell him to do research about how alcohol effects a growing brain and how drinking early as a teen impedes learning and can lead to alcoholism. Tell him you want a 500 word essay about the dangers of underage drinking.

That ought to 1.) teach him something and 2) assure you that he realizes the dangers.

Let the punishment fit the crime. Spanking is for parents who do not know how to properly discipline their children.

Oh, I might add that if I drank when I was underage and got caught, my father would likely have made me drink several beers on an empty stomach and then feed me lots of food so I'd puked the entire next day. But, today, if you give your kid a beer, you would go to jail.
2016-07-26 6:22 am
Good spankings is right. Give him/her a few good smacks on his/her bare bottom until it begins to redden. Spanking typically works on all children 4-20 years old.
2016-07-26 7:10 pm
I'd make it tough on them.
I'd give him or her the choice. They can either be grounded [can't leave the house without a parent] with no electronics [no TV, computer, phone, music, video games, or anything else they've got] for 6 months or the can get a spanking. Give them some time to think about it. Let them sit in their room alone for a half hour and then come back to hear their answer.

Now given those choices, your teenager is going to ask you to spank them, most likely. It's diabolically clever...
2016-07-26 7:41 am
Spank him when he comes back drunk. When he wakes up the next day, and wonders why his @$$ is so sore, you can say, "Must have been quite a winger, huh? You makes you lose your mind."
2016-07-26 6:42 am
Yeah, spanking is really creative. God forbid you actually discipline him/her.
2016-07-26 4:34 am
No, dont abuse your kid
2016-07-26 4:03 am
grounded to the house for a chosen period of time :)
2016-07-26 11:29 am
dont spank its best to spank a little kid.maybe ban them off their phone if they have one.banning them off games or something
2016-07-26 1:41 am
2016-07-26 1:49 am
yeah, probably some good spankings, but I would watch him sleep for the next few nights too see if he does anything. if he's anything like the teenage kids I'm used too, he'll be embarrassed and not do it again.
2016-07-26 1:43 am
Spankings the is bad news.. I know this as a grown 30 year old man.Yet ppl cause u to drink and they do...u MUST FORGET some things and alcohols the only way you'll forget..some ppl must die.

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