Wedding menu? Please give feedback!?

2016-07-26 1:39 am
all guests are recieving this in the mail!

Hello guests!
Please attend Julie Eggbop and Robbie McAlgoff wedding on 9.30.16

Our menu (please pay us in check and choose 1 combo)

A. Classic wedding $31.89/person

Italian wedding soup
2 chicken legs and a wing
Yellow rice

B. Vegetarian $27.32/person

Mushroom soup
Portabello mushroom
Potato mash
Tofu salad

C. Piggy $41.65/person

Double classic wedding, add bacon and cheese

let me know what ya think

回答 (20)

2016-07-26 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I've never been to a wedding where I have to pay for food.

the C piggy option sounds a little rude.

Potato mash sounds weird

Why not use smashed potatoes.

also how are the asparagus and the portabello mushrooms cooked? everything sound very vague actually.

Good luck and congratulations on your wedding!
2016-07-26 3:13 am
This is a troll post. It has to be. There's literally no way anyone would think it was acceptable to make guests pay for food like that.
2016-07-26 1:41 am
This must be a troll post. You're asking wedding guests to pay for their own food?
2016-07-26 1:56 am
Tell me this is a joke. Simple: You can attend the wedding, but decline to attend reception and/or pay for your meal. I wouldn't provide a check in any amount.
2016-07-26 4:01 am
You have got to be kidding me? You CANNOT CHARGE YOUR GUESTS FOR A MEAL AT YOUR RECEPTION. This is outrageous and a grave insult to the guests you are supposed to be thanking for taking time to come out to your wedding. You are in effece charging people to attend your wedding. If you cannot afford to pay for the reception you do not have one. You got a whole lot of nerve sending a price list and expecting people to pay to eat some crappy chicken meal. I would never attend such a wedding and you would be off my friend list
2016-07-26 2:47 am
I hope you are trolling. This is NOT how to word an invite to begin with and 2nd you do NOT ask for guests to pay for their meal.
2016-07-26 9:28 am
2016-07-26 9:11 am
The menu's fine.
But you can't charge - you pay for your own wedding.
2016-07-26 8:16 am
I wouldn't go if I was asked to pay for my own dinner.
2016-07-26 8:13 am
Bwaahahhahhahahhahaaa, what a joke! If I received an "invitation" like that, it would go straight into the bin. Or possibly up on a website dedicated to entitled, ill-mannered gimme-pigs. Good luck getting anyone to attend this panhandling event.
2016-07-26 12:11 pm
It's extremely rude and tacky to tell guests they have to pay for their meal at your wedding. IF you can't afford to pay for them to eat at your reception, then don't invite anyone.
2016-07-26 9:42 pm
It's a little late for that, since you're already married with a child. Don't troll if you suck at it.
2016-07-26 8:14 pm
You're charging guests? That's not okay... If you can't afford a sit down meal consider serving appetizers or having a cake and punch reception..
You can't ask your guests to pay though.
2016-07-26 6:12 pm
BWAHAHAHAHA so everyones gonna want to stay at home and watch tv but then theyre like, oh, i have a wedding to attend but at least theres gonna be free food. and then they go to the wedding and when theyre see they have to pay theyre gonna leave and punch you in the faace
2016-07-26 4:32 am
My feedback is find another story. This one is getting old.
2016-07-26 2:18 am
I think this must be a troll post
2016-07-26 2:33 am
Hey we are not wealthy. Just get married and never think that you will be living in the castle some day.
2016-07-27 12:42 am
2016-07-26 7:16 pm
My feedback would be "Sorry I have other plans for that date".
2016-07-26 4:52 pm
I second, third, fourth and fifth what everyone else has said. And judging by the other questions you asked, this is definitely a troll.
2016-07-26 12:43 pm
2016-07-26 4:43 am
I would think its tacky and that you should only serve refreshments instead of having a pay reception.
2016-07-27 7:01 am
Awful awful awful everything !
2016-07-26 7:59 pm
Wow!!!! You do NOT charge the guests. YOU pay for them.
2016-07-26 12:31 pm
2016-07-26 3:18 am
Check is in the mail!!!

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