Men: Does he not care?

2016-07-25 1:34 am
My male friend offered to help me with something serious that was really bothering me. I told him to not tell anyone & that he's the only one I trust. I came to him to just vent but then he had all these ideas on ways to help and he seemed really into it & really interested in fixing this for me and everytime I started to cry he did everything he could to make me laugh. He then offered to do this one thing for me, I said I'll think about it & we leave it at that. Then he texts me later after we left eachother trying to make me laugh and feel better and really trying to cheer me up. Then the next night When I knew he was out with the guys I get a text

Him: "Hey we need to talk tomorrow about that thing"

Me: "ok call me tomorrow. You're a lifesaver John, thanks!"

that was Friday night it's now Sunday. he hasn't called or texted. I'm not mad bc it wasn't my idea he randomly decided we needed to talk lol but I just find it odd & makes me think he doesn't care about me. Why say we need to but then not?

回答 (1)

2016-07-25 1:50 am
there is no way to know what has happened and it is rude and uncaring ---- he has shown he cares right up until he did not contact you ---- it takes but a minute to say sorry i cant talk now to not even do that is very uncaring ---- i think for the moment though give him the benefit of the doubt ---- maybe send him a message asking if he is ok and see what happens

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