Yugioh question: can Heroic Champion Excalibur gain attack after his eff was activated?

2016-07-25 12:23 am
His eff states that his ATK becomes equal to double his original ATK until the opponent's next EP. Becomes equal to. Does that mean he can't gain any additional ATK after that?

回答 (1)

2016-07-25 1:11 am
It's an Ignition Effect that sets his ATK to a certain amount on resolution, but it is not in any way unchangably 'fixing' the ATK at that value unlike say The Wicked Avatar, who sets its ATK continuously, and will immediately lose any boost or deduction.
So you can give Heroic Champion Excalibur an ATK boost after his effect resolves, that's fine.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:24:25
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