Do I need an adult with me when I go and get my permit switched to a different state? If so, can it be any adult?

2016-07-24 9:46 pm

回答 (3)

2016-07-24 10:00 pm
It has to be a parent/guardian, not any adult. You could be a runaway looking to get an ID in a new place.
2016-07-24 11:06 pm
You need whatever you would need to obtain a permit in the new state, if you were starting from square one, because you are. Whether that means you need a parent or not depends on the individual state.

Anyone claiming the rules are the same in all states is DEAD WRONG.
2016-07-24 9:57 pm
you need an adult. no, not just any adult. Needs to be your parent or legal guardian

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