which fruit is too watery for you to eat ?

2016-07-23 3:10 pm

回答 (8)

2016-07-23 6:48 pm
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Mango. I love the flavor but man, that texture and wetness just makes me gag.
2016-07-25 8:13 am
Water melon.
2016-07-23 3:27 pm
I don't mind watery fruit. There are none I can think of which are too watery for me to eat.
2016-07-23 3:21 pm
Can't think of any that would be too watery to eat. Grapefruit is the only one I have a problem with, the juice goes everywhere.
2016-07-23 3:12 pm
Water melon
2016-07-23 3:11 pm
Often an overripe plum.
2016-07-23 5:31 pm
None that I've tried.
2016-07-23 3:13 pm

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