Should I buy Dead Rising 3 on xbox one digital or disc?

2016-07-23 8:01 am
I m not sure if they will take up the same amount of space on the storage, which should I do?

回答 (1)

2016-07-23 5:15 pm
it doesn't matter if it's digital or disc. the storage size will be the same. you just need constant internet access to your Xbox One if you buy from the store to download it. you don't need internet to install from a disc. just if there are game updates.

on, the only option you have is a bundled package download, which includes Apocalypse Now, and it's $30.

if you buy a used disc from Game Stop, the base game is $20

if you buy used disc from stores like game stop, walmart, and best buy i know from there you can return used games to get your money back within their policy if you don't like it for whatever reason. some stores will only buy back the game from you, almost always for less than what you paid for it.

generally, i prefer having physical copies of games. while digital is nice and convenient, if the xbox live network were to go out for any reason, or they were having another major issue, what will happen if you can't access your digital games or other media? you'd be locked out and couldn't use your Xbox One. if you have a disc game, you can just pop it in and resume playing single player at the very least.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:21:39
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