My dog is sick, any clue what he has or how serious it is..?

2016-07-23 6:25 am
My Yorkiepoo (who is six years old with a bad back and occasionally limps on his back right leg) used to be playful, chubby, generally happy, etc. But lately he's been in a lot of pain, suddenly lost a lot of weight, rarely eats or drinks, and is so "lazy" (I know that's not the right word, but I can't think of the right word) he'll just lay in bed all day. Sometimes he'll go a day without doing much more than barely lifting his head. He has trouble breathing and shakes a lot. A few weeks ago he was taken to the vet and treated for the canine flu, and then everything was fine for a few days. Then it just got worse. Any clue what he may have and what can be done or at least how serious it is..? I can't afford to take him back to the vet, I sadly don't have enough money. However, if it's deadly or something, I'll really try to.. I don't want to lose him.

回答 (8)

2016-07-23 6:56 am
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You need to visit your Veterinarian again for some further testing, nobody on any web site can give you the correct information about your dogs health, You said he was having trouble breathing, My Gosh Help him, go to the vet !
2016-07-23 6:46 am
Obviously if the dog is IN PAIN the dog needs treatment esp if it is refusing to eat, drink, loosing weight move and is lethargic or in your words..."lazy" versus how it used to be; chubby, happy & active.

FYI: it is a FELONY to withhold veterinary treatment to a SICK or injured animal, even if you LACK the funds to pay for it. You can take it to, or surrender it to the SPCA for treatment. The limping leg may be a torn ACL or slipped patella. The refusal to eat may signal broken and/or infected or abscessed teeth. (The weight loss is from not eating, or from cancer.) the dog could have developed fluid around the heart (congestive heart failure) or other offshoot problems, from the pneumonia. We cannot SEE or examine your dog & we cannot do a MIND MELD with it, so we have NO IDEA what is wrong. I strongly suggest you PAWN something or borrow the money to go back to the vet. "Credit Care" might be a good option to look into.
2016-07-23 6:30 am
You have to realise that the people who breed these designer crosses are in it for one thing only and that's the stupid money they fetch as puppies because they are a fad. They do not use good quality health animals in the first place so the pups often don't stand a chance.

We cannot tell you what is wrong other than if a kennel cough has got worse then it either wasn't kennel cough in the first place and would be maybe heart problems or lung / heart worm or the kennel cough is turning to pneumonia.

Either way this is REALLY serious and if a dog barely moves all day and has trouble breathing then he most definitely needs a vet.

The limp is likely to be a luxating patella with a small breed.
2016-07-23 3:57 pm
The word is "lethargic" and your dog needs a vet again.
2016-07-23 8:42 am
No, we have no clue what is wrong with your dog, but it sounds very serious.
Whatever it is, I think there are only two possible outcomes without vet care. The dog gets better all by itself, or it dies after a considerable period of suffering. Up to you which one happens.
2016-07-23 2:20 pm
It sounds pretty serious. Your dog is suffering from a great deal of pain. He needs to see a vet.
2016-07-23 6:29 am
How can any of us know? You already know your backyard breeder mutt has a bad back and you cruelly force it to limp around since you're too poor to get help for it.

Why not give this ill bred backyard breeder mutt up to a shelter so it can get the care it needs and find a better home?
2016-07-23 6:25 am

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