Is self harm bad if I punch myself instead of cut myself?

2016-07-23 12:48 am

回答 (7)

2016-07-23 2:59 am
Self harm is bad itself. It's still self harm.
2016-07-23 2:01 am
Please don't jump into any hasty or wrong steps.

It is of course a serious mental health problem, for which you have to take some drastic steps in right direction immediately without fail. Consult a psychiatrist forthwith.
參考: own
2016-07-23 1:27 am
Same thing. Both are symptoms of depression. It means your brain is not producing sufficient serotonin. Depression is common but easy to treat. So tell a dr. how you feel and ask for Zoloft, an excellent antidepressant.-------

It takes 2-3 wks for your body to adjust to it during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But, after that, you will become a relaxed, confident, healthy person.
2016-07-23 1:14 am
Yes its bad as bad can be.
2016-07-23 12:55 am
yes it is
2016-07-23 12:50 am
2016-07-23 12:49 am
Yes! It's just as bad. There's no difference. You're still harming yourself..

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