Approximately how much would it cost to repair the side of my car if its been hit? not a dent, but like scratches and small little indents.?

2016-07-22 1:11 pm
Im just asking before I go to the shop, I dont wanna go and he's like 5000! I want it to hear relic 500 maybe

回答 (3)

2016-07-22 11:21 pm
Maybe $1500- $2000. If just scratches, they might buff them out and wax it. The dents might be a challenge. Look into paintless dent removal.
2016-07-22 7:07 pm
I'd just look on craigslist or a junkyard for the same car that is being parted out , and take whatever parts you need,doors,fenders, etc then repaint the whole car, it might be like 500 to 1000 bucks in all if you got to Maaco for a paint job, detailers are usually more expensive, but it's up to you.
2016-07-22 3:24 pm
No body can assess that without seeing the car

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