Philosophically and Literally, What is the binding force ?

2016-07-22 12:50 pm
What is the binding force that drives the human race forward; through evolution and technology while moving ever forward as individuals what is connecting us as one race?

回答 (15)

2016-07-26 9:56 pm
super glue
2016-07-25 6:52 am
The binding force is science or god depending on how you look at it. Either way things happen for a reason. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is true both in science and everyday life. You cant escape it. Think about it.
2016-07-24 6:11 pm
Consciousness, the divine force of universe is the cause of universe. Dynamism is the quality of consciousness. When the consciousness wishes something it assumes suitable body to accomplish the wish.
It is your consciousness which assumed your body and living this life, and it is the collective universal consciousness which is assuming innumerable bodies and binding the human race and other species in the universe.
2016-07-23 3:04 am
"Love is a biological necessity a force operating to one degree or another in all biological life. Without love there is no physical commitment to life - no psychic hold." ----Seth

The other terms used for this binding force are "energy" or "god".

"There is constant creation. There is within you a force that knew how to grow you from a fetus to a grown adult. This force is part of the God within you."---- Seth

Those three terms are interchangeable. With the vocabulary we have available at this level, in this system...that's the best I know to describe it.
2016-07-22 6:09 pm
2016-07-22 12:55 pm
It is the spiritual relation that connects us together as a race. Someone tole me that it is called gravitational force. It is a kind of electromagnetic field. It comes under law of attraction and repulsion.
參考: own
2016-07-22 5:55 pm
2016-08-04 12:48 pm
Specialisation and division of labour.

This what enables us to live above the level of animals.
2016-07-24 10:31 am
The Three F's.
Fear, Failure, and Food.

Fear keeps us alive.
Failure is a result of experimentation, increasing our chances of success with whatever that is.
Food gives us nourishment...and water. Yeah we need that too XD
2016-07-24 3:30 am
It is a natural inbred human instinct for the preservation of the species.
2016-07-22 11:20 pm
2016-07-22 8:59 pm
Goodness energy in its most efficient state , energy drives evolution as it seeks the most efficient use of itself , fear holds us back , once we understand the energy involved know we all share soul the source energy we will do much better . As an Evolutional Goodhist I increase goodness reducing fear and sin increasing evolutional fitness of mind and body this is becoming more self evident as science advances.
2016-07-22 12:55 pm
liesure humans strive for relaxation they strive to make every thing better safer and easyier but in turn just make themselves sad and angry and scared
2016-07-23 9:54 am
The sixth sense.
2016-07-22 1:01 pm

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