Can i feed raw chicken to my 3 months old gsd puppy?

2016-07-22 7:04 am

回答 (13)

2016-07-22 4:29 pm
● "Can i feed raw chicken to my 3 months old gsd puppy?"

Not until you learn that the breed's real name translates as German Shepherd Dog, with every word requiring a capital letter, and so having GSD as the abbreviation.

My current GSD ( ) was brought home at 8½ weeks old. I think she has had raw chicken wings every night since then - but certainly as of when the kibble supplied by her breeder ran out.

The people who have advised you are mostly such nervous Nellies that they must have experienced very poorly bred pooches. Dogs developed as opportunistic carnivores with stomach acid much stronger than ours, and so they thrive on carrion, and they do NOT require tapering off from one diet to another.

The Diet Sheet that buyers of my GSD pups find on the back of their pet's pedigree is at
You have to learn to "feed by eye" so far as amounts go.
I am not a fan of kibbles, but I do use big dog biscuits that have the same recipe as do kibbles.
My Bea still likes to eat 3 times a day:
◊ breakfast = dog biscuits in cow's milk - and she laps every drop of milk before bothering with the dog biscuits. When she was little, the actual kibble was used until it ran out, and I mixed all those powders into the milk. As part of "feed by eye", I remove the dish as soon as the pooch leaves it - EXCEPT when it goes to investigate whatever made that noise (I deliberately drop things near the pups), followed by dashing back to finish the meal.
◊ snack = a little commercial dog sausage - probably no thicker than 12mm/½" now she's adult.
◊ supper = biscuits (in the enriched milk while a pup; the milk supper is discontinued for adults except while they are pregnant or nursing), plus raw meat on the bone (currently chicken wings, sometimes with some heart or kidney or liver in it). But when shark or beef or goat or mutton or venison is cheap I switch from one to the other as soon as the first one runs out. And there should be a "gnaw bone" last thing every night - knobbly things like some oxtail or sheep's spine - partly for helping teething, largely for cleaning the teeth and supplying the perfect balance between calcium & phosphorous plus strengthening the facial muscles that control the ears - and especially for giving pooch something to do while you are boringly asleep.

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King Les The Lofty - first pup in 1950; GSD breeder & trainer as of 1968
2016-07-22 7:36 am
Only feed raw chicken if you are going to do the whole raw diet. Don't give a bit of raw chicken out of the blue when the dog is fed kibble. However, if you wish to feed a raw diet to your growing pup I believe there is none better. What is important about a pup is giving excellent nutrition to build the body correctly, and IMO there is none better than raw for that.

You would need to go online and research as much as you can before embarking on this because just feeding chicken won't be enough (other than to start the transition) and feeding a bit of raw chicken now and again is not right as his stomach acids will not break down the bone or repel the bacteria.
2016-07-22 7:56 am
As a snack or as the sole source of nutrition?

If a snack, fine.

If as the only food you are feeding then you need to feed the dog the bone as well and also add in organ meats. Google Prey Model Diet and you'll find out all sorts of info.
2016-07-22 8:05 am
Pups/dogs are very susceptible to digestive upsets if fed new types of food so make any changes to its diet gradual to minimise this risk.
2016-07-24 2:04 am
Yes but I'd grind it up first. Do a little research on raw feeding.
2016-11-03 3:53 am
sure if it is completely de boned and has no added seasonings
2016-07-22 4:11 pm
Unless you plan to feed and exclusively raw diet (whicxh Id highly reccomend over dog food) it is probably best not to risk it. The reason being that cokked food/kibbler takes a lot longer to digest than raw so potentially you could end up with a bit of raw meat stuck inside the dog waiting to be digested while it goes off.
2016-07-22 4:40 pm
Some people do. I wouldn't
2016-07-22 9:01 am
sure if it is completely de boned and has no added seasonings
2016-07-22 7:07 am
Be careful introducing a new diet to a puppy or any dog for that matter. But as far as feeding him raw chicken, he should be fine in small quantities. ( I would wait until he grows up a bit like at a year or year and a half but vets say its safe at any time.) But it's seriously up to you.
參考: my friend is a pet lover and her puppies were fine with it
2016-07-22 3:39 pm
no , cook it .
2016-07-22 2:54 pm
no no no
2016-07-22 8:18 am
I'm 'old school' and if I feed mine chicken, I prefer to cook it - but certainly not cooked chicken bones, or raw for that matter. But as said, it's not a good idea to feed a complete food and a raw food. One or the other. I also believe that you must feed a properly balanced raw diet, especially to a growing puppy. I'd use a good quality puppy food, one that isn't cereal-based, through the maximum growth period. And the digestive system of the GSD can be quite sensitive.
2016-07-22 12:45 pm

Its better to cook all the foods specially meats at least 20min in high heat before feeding your dog to make sure he is not going to get sick.

Germs sometimes can even kill your dog because he is still a baby. People are in here are not vets or animal specialist.

You know that cooked foods are safe. Then why would you put your little puppys life in a risk ?

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