How to be a decent girlfriend?

2016-07-22 1:22 am
It is my first time going out with a guy like him. I am 18 years old and have never had a boyfriend, I am afraid that he would think of me as imperfect so would you please give me small advice on how to be a decent girlfriend.

回答 (4)

2016-07-22 1:47 am
Be yourself - if he likes you as yourself you are golden - if he doesn't it was NEVER meant to be - changing for someone is a short term solution. Either like and love a person for who they are or move on.....very simple really. There are always more fish in the sea - and that should be your mantra.
2016-07-22 1:42 am
It doesn't matter in a few years or less you'll have a broken heart.
2016-07-22 1:25 am
1. Have confidence, even if you don't have much- pretend you do, never speak down about yourself in front of him.
2. Be loyal and not overly friendly with his friends.
3. Be yourself, pretending to be anything other than yourself would make you appear unreal/
2016-07-22 1:22 am
yes be honest dont worry about labels and show you care ---- there are no rules to follow just be yourself and enjoy being together

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