What will happen to my 401 Plan?

2016-07-21 2:22 pm
I had worked for 3 years in a company which had filled my 401 k plan. Now I resigned from that company and working in another shop which does not fill 401 k plan. SO what will happen to my 401 Plan ? Should I terminate it or pay some money from my salary to hold it for some more year?

回答 (5)

2016-07-21 2:54 pm
You can cash it in, paying taxes and penalty on it. OIr (better) roll it over to a different retirement account. If your current employer has no 401(k), then talk to a financial planner about setting up some type of IRA account.
2016-07-21 2:27 pm
You need to to roll it over into an IRA or type of personally owned retirement fund. If you cash out of it there will be a significant tax penalty.
2016-07-21 2:26 pm
Roll over your 401k to an IRA. See my source.
2016-07-22 1:53 pm
Poof.... vanished. Once again thanks to wall street.

Good Luck.
2016-07-21 4:47 pm
You roll it over to an IRA or some such.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:04:36
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