Suicidal thoughts are stronger than ever?

2016-07-20 10:46 pm
I dont want to offend anyone or seem like im just throwing it about. Im a 22 year old male. Got bullied all the way through high school which led me to become incecure. Depression. Anxiety. And even now i still get treated just as bad in the workplace etc. Ive had to reduce ny work hours because of the panic attscks and anxiety. Whilst i see people who bullied me in high school do so much better than me career wise and relationship wise. My parents gave up on me. They dont understand what im going through so now i live with my grandparents. My grandparents just seem to constantly talk avout themselves then when i try to explain to them whats going on they dismiss it and dont want to know and turn tbe convo on themselves. I have no friends to talk to :/

回答 (4)

2016-07-21 1:55 am
Depression means your brain is not producing sufficient serotonin. Depression is common but easy to treat. So tell a dr. how you feel and ask for Zoloft, an excellent antidepressant.-------
It takes 2-3 wks for your body to adjust to it during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But, after that, you will become a relaxed, confident, healthy person.------------
Then find some big happy churches, attend age-appropriate groups and have fun there. Talk with the pastor/minister; where else can you get counseling for free? And always remember that God loves you more than you can possibly imagine.
2016-07-20 11:04 pm
You need to talk to a doctor. The doctor would be interested. Unfortunately, those around you are reacting to your demeanor. You look nervous and afraid, so they treat you like the victim you portray. Go see a doctor.
2016-07-20 10:51 pm
I'll talk to you
2016-07-20 10:50 pm
i hope things get better for you...just a own your life and no one else and do not give someone the authority to enter in your life and make a mess.....things get tough...but there is a way can see a counsellor... ;)..funny though i was bullied too and when I look back I find it kind of funny immature people were really.....and not worth enough to put more thought in

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