Is hate the only thing that can make the world a better place?

2016-07-20 8:20 pm

回答 (8)

2016-07-20 8:24 pm
2016-07-21 11:16 am
Very much yes
2016-07-20 8:44 pm
2016-07-20 8:38 pm
No, but it is the only thing that could make it worse.

All evil acts start with hate.
2016-07-20 8:26 pm
Nah. If everyone smoked a blunt a day and lived by the beach, the world would be a better place.
參考: Mellow out and find a peaceful place. Let your temper cool, and all would be sunshine and rainbows.
2016-07-20 8:25 pm
Less religious ignorance & make believe would be good.
2016-07-20 8:25 pm
Well, discontent leads to hate, which can lead to action (positive or negative) which might cause a change-but will that change be good or bad?
2016-07-20 8:27 pm
Hating alone isn't enough. Once we know what the problem is and we hate it, the next step i to take action and destroy whatever is causing all this death and destruction so that the world becomes more peaceful. Btw Im obviously talking about islam.

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