Skin cancer?

2016-07-20 8:03 pm
I m 16 year old girl and I ll admit I m a bit of a hypochondriac. I found this mole on my back, it s small, boarders are even but it s dark in color and kind of dry. And it s raised. This part of my back (middle) is literally never exposed to the sun. I m just wondering what the chance of this being skin cancer is. I m visiting the dermatologist next month for a yearly skin scan and I m going to have it looked at then. Or should I go sooner. Thanks.

回答 (8)

2016-07-21 5:07 am
I doubt it's cancer! Moles like melanoma are usually not raised, have messy edges and more than one color. Not to mention that skin cancer is very rare in teens :)
2016-07-21 12:50 am
Slim to none. My husband has many of those on his back and I made him see a dermatologist. She said "While they break all the rules of typical "skin cancer" they are nothing but called "Barnacles".
See a dermatologist so she can put your mind at ease like she did to my husband.
2016-07-20 8:13 pm
Even if it were on its way to being cancerous it wouldn't advance that much in a month. What you wanna look for is it changing colors or developing a white ring around it. Sometimes new moles just pop up. I had one pop up where the sun don't shine and it freaked me out. But they just happen sometimes.
2016-07-21 2:45 pm
Moles*-identification marks-are birth marks given by the God to most of the human beings. One may have bigger moles, which is also natural. Unless and until U note any change in the size, color and asymmetric shape; nothing to be panicky. I'm 68+ “young” with all the organs intact and functioning up to optimum levels. I have more than 100 moles on my body, covering every organ, since birth. Prudent to take it easy and forget. As per Indian sentiment, a person with moles on gonads is blessed with lot of libido; which is totally satiated for life. I never care to bother about any of my moles.
Much before, it is too late, prudent* to see a general surgeon/local homeopath/dermatologist for physical examination, relevant investigations, accurate diagnosis and permanent cure by medication and or surgical interference. Much before the advent of super-specialties like nuero/pediatric/cardiac/renal/gynaec/brain, gastro-enterology, and ENT etc., all these surgeries were conducted by general surgeons. Hence, a Surgeon’s approach is most appropriate and accurate. A good surgeon suggests cheapest and accurate diagnostic investigations only to ensure permanent cure.

. How to seek maximum health benefits from sunbaths and to prevent Sunburn* & scope for consequential skin cancer, Melanoma, etc? Expose Ur body and or the affected parts within 90 minutes from sunrise & within 60 minutes before sunset. During strong winds, no exposure to sunlight, please. Any extra exposure shall be @ Ur own risk for skin cancer/melanoma.. When the sun shines on bare skin, your body makes its own vitamin D. This is the major source of vitamin D from Cosmic Energy, but it's not enough for many people.
Fair-skinned people might get enough in 5-10 minutes on a sunny day, a few times a week. But cloudy days, the low light of winter, and the use of sun block (important to avoid skin cancer) all interfere. Older people and those with darker skin tones don’t make as much from sun exposure. Experts say it's better to rely on food and supplements. Tanning/Tattoos drive U towards melanoma, skin cancers, etc..
2016-07-21 3:14 am
So get help for your health anxiety. It's ruining your life.
2016-07-20 9:43 pm
only he can tell you what it is
2016-07-20 8:48 pm
Its probably nothing. Lots of people have dark colored moles, even quite a few moles.
2016-07-20 8:16 pm
no risk ur just paranoid

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