Just kinda depressed?

2016-07-20 3:09 pm
here's a question for you. just so many things happening, am I to trust in Jesus our lord only? I fear it won't be suffice to face this ultimate reality

回答 (5)

2016-07-20 3:25 pm
Yes, since depression is a human, physical and psychological reaction to events that occur at some time or point in our lives.

Most human begins have a choice to deal with depression, or they can choose to depend on Jesus Christ, who is the Creator God, that made our bodies, and knows everything about our bodies.

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and without Jesus we can do nothing.

There is no human being, doctor or relative, who can cure depression.

Jesus Christ on the other hand, can speak to our hearts, and give us hope and peace and a way out of the depression or how to deal with depression.

Depression is our body's way of dealing with stressors of life, and human beings, or situations that affect us everyday, usually we do come out of it, but never find a way to get rid of it or deal with it, the next time it occurs.

When we learn about Jesus Christ, we see in the bible and the gospels, that Jesus Christ came to set the captives free, and he cast out demons and devils of depression and oppression and all that comes with it.

Trusting what Jesus told us to do, and how to cast or put all that we are worried about, upon his shoulders, we relieve stress and depression, and feel calmed and refreshed.

There's lots in the world to be depressed about, but Jesus Christ is called the Blessed Hope of the world.

Get a bible and begin by asking Jesus to reveal Himself to you, and the way He does that, is by His Holy Words.

There is nothing to lose, when you put faith in Jesus Christ, since there is no other solution for the sin SICK world we live in.

Jesus is SUFFICENT to face what you are facing, since when you allow Him to take over what you are going through, you can trust that He will do what He says He will do.

Now and Beyond life here on earth.

Peace and blessings to you.
2016-07-20 3:18 pm
Just when you casually go for a walking, please consult your family doctor and exchange views and pleasantries.

I appreciate your good attempt.
參考: own.
2016-07-20 3:15 pm
Trust whatever makes you feel better. If truth and reality aren't important to you, it's more essential that you feel happy, safe, and secure. A lot of people take comfort and find security in religious beliefs.

Actually examining those beliefs objectively can be pretty jarring for some people. You need to be in a positive frame of mind in order to confront some harsh realities. I wouldn't advise it to anyone experiencing depression.
2016-07-20 3:12 pm
Trust in yourself... believing fairy tales are real is for sad losers.
2016-07-20 3:11 pm
No, trust in yourself, your friends, and your family. It'll get you further.

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