Girls that let guys eat them out are sluts?

2016-07-20 2:18 pm
I can't stand nasty girls that spread their legs and let guys eat them out. I hate sluts. I'm 19 and I've had sex with 2 guys and they both ate me out that was 3 years ago and I'm planning on having a lot more sex in the future because a lot of guys find me really pretty but anyway, yeah, I hate sluts. Why do they let them tongue them and get wet from it? That's so classy ladies haha....not And don't say anything to me because I didn't ask them to do it they just did it.

回答 (5)

2016-07-20 2:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Its for giving pleasure
2016-07-20 2:37 pm
Speak for yourself. I'm hardly a slut but a long and happily married woman. My man does this to give me pleasure.

Your judgment of anybody else's private activities is unwarranted. Just because you don't care for it doesn'e mean those who enjoy it are morally inferior.
2016-07-20 2:24 pm
hold on, you just said you let 2 guys eat you out, so in your own words, doesnt that make you a slut?
2016-07-20 2:58 pm
Having sex at 16 calling somebody else a slut. Thats rich, like that isn't the kettle calling....ah you get it.
2016-07-20 2:32 pm
If you don't enjoy oral sex, don't do it. It is your choice.
If other people enjoy it and choose to do it, that is THEIR choice and nothing to do with you. Your choice of language tells us more about you than about them.
If you have an immature attitude about sex, that is YOUR problem and says more about you than about the girls you maliciously condemn. They are getting on with living THEIR lives the way they want. What does that matter to you unless you feel some resentment that that they have something you don't? If you don't care what they do, you wouldn't bother talking about it.
2016-07-20 3:41 pm
Are you just trolling? Trying to sound like a hypocrite?

Girls who get eaten are sluts
You hate sluts
You have been eaten
You plan on doing it again
2016-07-20 3:04 pm
You have some serious anti-sex attitudes. If you don't find it pleasurable, say so. But many people do find oral sex pleasurable, so you might try to lose the attitude and give it a try.

As to "s.l.u.t.s" you really should rethink your use of that word. After all, many people might use it to apply to you because you've had sex before marriage. Using that word is just a way of putting down any woman who dares to have sex. Why don't we apply it to men who sleep around? Think about it.
2016-07-20 2:41 pm
No, it an excellent foreplay technique.
2016-07-20 2:34 pm
O.k., we are all sorry that you feel this way, feel better now?!

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