Linking Disney tickets?

2016-07-20 4:55 am
I was planning on visiting Magic Kingdom tomorrow, so I was wondering, does linking your Disney park tickets to your account (and matching them to a person who is linked to a magic band) link them to the person's magic band? Please respond to this ASAP!!!

回答 (2)

2016-07-20 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yup! If you add the tickets to your My Disney Experience (MDE) account, you should be good to go! Once you're heading to the parks, you just need to "touch the Mickeys together" on your Magic Band (scan it) and you're in! Have fun in MK!
2016-07-20 7:38 pm
tickets are linked to the person's MDE account.
magic bands are linked to the person's MDE account.
once the ticket it linked and the magic band is linked they are linked to that person's account.

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