have you ever woke up on the wrong side of the bed ? If so , why ?

2016-07-19 6:04 pm

回答 (6)

2016-07-19 6:29 pm
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I wake up in wrong places not just the wrong side of bed.
When I sleep on bed, I wake up on the floor. Once, I also ended up right infront of the bathroom door. I don't know how that happened as the bathroom is far enough from the room.
Moreover, I was sleeping on the floor once and woke up to find myself sleeping the balcony.

It usually happens when I am sleeping at someone else's house or at a hotel, summer house, beach house, etc.
2016-07-19 6:08 pm
Yes. Because I move around a lot lol. Answer mine?

2016-07-19 6:06 pm
No but I have woken up in the wrong bed lol
2016-07-19 6:05 pm
Yeh, because my chick dragged me onto her side - of course I cried "foul" !!!
2016-07-19 6:05 pm
Giggles..although not so amusing,if you are feeling this way..think,we all do at given times..perhaps..a bad dream caused it,and..like all things..it,passes.~*
2016-07-19 6:05 pm
2016-07-19 6:05 pm
well I tend to roll over a lot. every time a let a friend/relative share a room with me. I let him/her sleep on the bed while i'm on the floor.

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