Are the two carbon atoms of C2H5Cl equivalent?why? How about the 5 H atoms?Are they equivalent, if so why?

2016-07-19 3:31 pm

回答 (2)

2016-07-19 5:32 pm
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The condensed structure formula for C₂H₅OH is CH₃-CH₂-Cl.

One of the two carbon atoms is attached to 3 H atoms, while the other carbon atom is attached to 2 H atoms and 1 Cl atom. Hence, the two carbon atoms are in different chemical environment, and thus they are NOT equivalent.

In -CH₃, the 3 H atoms are equivalent because they are attached to the same C atom and thus in the same chemical environment. Similarly, in -CH₂-, the 2 H are equivalent. However, they former 3 H atoms and the latter 2 H atoms are NOT equivalent because they are attached to different C atoms in different chemical environment.
2016-07-19 3:56 pm
The two carbon atoms aren't equivalent because one of them is bonded to Cl-, which will have a different affect on the carbon atom compared to the H. I'm not too sure about the H atoms but I don't think that they would be equivalent either because the Cl changes the electron density (?)

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:26:50
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