If humans were MENT to eat meat then why do vegans and vegetarians live WAYYYY longer then meat eaters?

2016-07-19 2:29 pm
And also suffer less diseases like heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, high cholesterol ect

For the people saying"they don't" there have been thousands of study's and statistics that show they do-face the facts people


I'm sorry I don't know how to copy links but Harvard did a article called becoming a vegetarian and that will back up what I am talking about

回答 (27)

2016-07-19 5:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It maybe because that vegans make up only a small minority of the population and that meat eaters have a board range of bad habits such has smoking, bridge drinking, unprotected sex have more stressful jobs etc etc. Vegan on the other hand include a group who do it for "good health" and being such health freak they would exercise on a regular basis, have a healthy height, avoid alcohol and a hold lot of things that their Californian lifestyle can afford. Sure their are unhealthy vegans but with such a small number finding like for like lifestyles with such small numbers is nearly impossible to get any good data.

This can be seen in Japan and the difference in the life span of the sexes.
Japanese women have the one of, if not, the longest lifespans in the world. They eat mostly a diet of fresh fish and fresh vegetables. (It has also been shown that people who do only eat seafood live longer than vegans) oddly their is a 6 year difference between the men and womens lifespans. However, men in Japan tend to drink more heavy, work longer hours and be the main bread winner. So the answer really is onimorovies could have a much boarder range of lifestyles that can make them unhealthy and plus an average isn't really related to how healthy a non-vegan diet is.
2016-07-19 2:35 pm
Vegans don't live WAYYYY longer than meat eaters.

In Italy, the village of Acciaroli has 1/3 of the population that is over 100 years old. And they are not even vegetarian let alone vegan.
2016-07-19 3:39 pm
Yeah, interesting "facts" you have there. How come almost every single supercentenarian has been a meat-eater then? Why did my meat-eating great-grandma live to be 104? Why is my tinned-and-processed meat-eating grandma still alive at 93?

You try to put 3 people in a box and say two of them live longer, when you don't factor in family genes and diseases over their own generations. A vegan with a family history of heart disease and breast cancer isn't going to escape the disease(s) because she eats lettuce all day, is she? Just like a meat-eater that has no history of cancers or heart problems could or couldn't potentially develop it if they take their diet way too far, and to do this, I mean, she/he would need to eat copious amounts of red meat daily to get that point.

And before you blame it on modern food and GMO'S, all those old as hell supercentenarians were eating it for 40 years before we figured out what the hell was wrong with it, and they STILL lived to be past their 100's. You have no facts, no bases, NOTHING. You have a hope and a dream and some silly idea that plants and veg make you completely immune to old age and disease, which is STUPID.
2016-07-19 2:46 pm
Do you have a source to confirm that vegans and vegetarians actually live longer than meat eaters?
2016-07-19 6:47 pm
You've grossly overstated the Harvard study. A key sentence says, "But there still aren't enough data to say exactly how a vegetarian diet influences long-term health. It's difficult to tease out the influence of vegetarianism from other practices that vegetarians are more likely to follow, such as not smoking, not drinking excessively, and getting adequate exercise." You have stated a causal relationship that the study did not find.

Also, you are looking solely at a modern diet. When food was much scarcer people had to eat what was available. A meal of meat fed many people and was sustaining until other food could be found. Meat didn't make up as much of ancient man's diet as modern man's. Evolution doesn't happen over a few hundred years. And, just because human are ABLE to eat meat, it doesn't mean they MUST eat meat. There is simply no doubt that humans can eat meat along with vegetation. It makes no sense to argue that point.
2016-07-19 6:19 pm
The ONLY thing more foolish than your idiotic premise is the lack of ANY supportive data!

Oh yeah, "someone did a study once and that proves I'm right (even though I'm too stupid to look it up!)" really makes you about as believable as Hillary Clinton!
2016-07-19 6:15 pm
Vegas and vegtraions have been well proven to live SHORTER lives then someone who eats meat

They suffer more diseases and suffer mental illness as well. ANd its well proven meat has never caused high cholesterol, HD, or anything.
2016-07-19 3:40 pm
Simple fact: they don't.

If we were meant to be herivores, why, in the US, does almost 90% of all kinds of vegetarians (vegans are vegetarians) add meat back into their diet?

There is absolutely no research that shows simply not eating meat will make you healthier. There is research (from HSUS) showing most people don't stay veg. If they were healthier as a veg*n, why would they add mest.
2016-07-19 3:18 pm
what makes you think all meat eaters die younger than vegans and vegetarians? In my immediate family alone I have 6 people(parents and grand parents on both sides) that were 100, 101, 93,91,86 and 83) that were all meat eaters that lived a long life..
Not eating meat does NOT make you impervious to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, car accidents and genetic conditions.
Get real.
2016-07-20 1:07 pm
who told you vegans and vegetarians live way longer then meat eaters lol you can eat meat and be healthy
2016-07-19 8:11 pm
Wow, you do not do your research. Plenty of vegans have heart disease and high colesteral, as well as other diseases. I know many 80 and 90 year olds that have eaten meat all their lives and are exceptionally healthy.
2016-07-19 2:37 pm
They dont

Provide proof. Give us links to the studies that prove your made up facts.
2016-07-21 1:55 am
*Meant *than

Okay, done with my correcting, but anyways...

If humans were MEANT to eat only plants and live off of supplements for their entire lives, why didn't we do that from the start?
Why didn't tigers accidentally eat plants at first, if it's that easy to mess up on a diet?
And why does veganism kill children if they aren't living off of pills? Huh, buddy?
2016-07-19 4:49 pm
Humans are meant to eat meat. If we were not we would not be able to digest it or obtain nutrition from it. And it's "meant" not "ment".
2016-07-19 3:19 pm
Pay your money and take your choice.Vegans will die,too,on Hover-rounds,walkers,and walk-in bathtubs.I'd rather go out on a Harley.Just sayin'.To each his own.Now,go eat your tofu and beansprouts.
2016-07-21 11:05 pm
Veganism is rather recent, impossible to be a Vegan before B12 supplements were developed in 1946, and they were not available to outside of a healthcare setting until much later. (and extremely expensive ) So it is way to early to make such a claim, so....you're lying.
2016-07-21 4:13 am
There is no data shows that vegans and vegetarians live longer than meat eaters.
2016-07-20 12:05 pm
Theres no proof that vegans live way more than meat eaters.Meat doesnt make you live less thats total BS.Meat wont make you get diseases and stuff.There are so many other reasons why people are getting diseases.Many people go vegan/vegeterian cause they think they will live longer and healthier.Truth is that no matter if you eat meat and animal products,if you excercise and eat your food with limits you'll be fine.Even if you ate healthy all your life theres no proof that you'll live longer than those that eat meat and animal products.Im tired from all those that say eating meat is bad for you,go vegan and blah blah.
2016-07-19 6:29 pm
I'm still waiting for some vegan to answer me why wee see old people around if according to vegans they shouldn't exist unless they were vegan..
2016-07-19 4:34 pm
are you a vegan who cant spell??
2016-07-19 3:42 pm
You only have to live long enough to reproduce - and omnivores (since you are too stupid to know the proper term or how to spell) grow bigger, faster, and smarter, easily defeating any vegans or vegetarians in competition for the best mates.
2016-07-19 5:53 pm
they don't. vegetarians live slightly longer, vegans live about the same. pescetarians actually live the longest. i think if you wanted the best diet possible for longevity, it would be something like ovo-pescetarian that only sources wild fish, gets eggs from several species allowed to eat their natural diet (chickens eeating bugs rather than corn, ducks eating algae and small fish instead of corn, etc) and the person would also eat bugs- mostly termites, crickets and grubs, maybe occasionally other types of game with a focus on the organ meat, especially brains.

so, if the main thing you are interested in is longevity, have i got a diet for you...
2016-07-19 8:57 pm
they dont live any longer nor do they suffer less diseases when adjusted for population differences
2016-07-19 6:52 pm
Because those of us who are properly educated know the difference between correlation and causality.
2016-07-21 5:53 pm
They don't.
2016-07-19 2:45 pm
Often vegans take more care with their diet than non-vegans. (Certainly not a rule: many vegans don't take care of their nutrition, and many meat-eaters do). Many people assume that if they eat meat, they must be getting a well-rounded diet with everything they need in a good balance. That's a pretty silly thing to assume, when you think about it: meat is just one type of food, it is lacking in many important nutrients. So many of these people end up obese, with diabetes, heart disease, and other diet-related health issues, just because they didn't know or didn't care how to feed themselves properly.

A vegan who is conscientious about their diets, is likely to be healthier than a meat-eater who doesn't pay any attention to nutrition. But if you compare vegans as a whole, to people who eat meat but do pay attention to nutrition, the different in health outcomes might not be so great.

Also, if you make a statement about vegans and vegetarians living a lot longer, if you want credibility you need to back that up with a source, e.g. a report, a study, an article, etc... do you have one, or are you repeating hearsay?
2016-07-19 3:42 pm
It helped our ancestors long ago but we've grown and some of us are more civilized
2016-07-19 2:39 pm
The point is moot. Diets high in animal fat are the cause of all the things you have listed, not to mention the preservatives , hormones and antibiotics present in animal products.
2016-07-22 11:48 pm
I have never seen anything that suggests they live way longer. Keep in mind most of us will live well into our late seventies. There are things I could do to prolong my life into my eighties or nineties.
The question is, why would I want to live that long? If I have not done it by eighty, I doubt I will want to start anything new: mountain climbing, deep sea diving, et al.
If you can add twenty years of great living between my turning twenty and my turning thirty, I'll do whatever you suggest. Adding them onto 76? No, thanks anyway. I'll push up the daisies instead.
2016-07-22 11:06 pm
The traditional Japanese diet is Flexitarian, and trounces both vegetarians and vegans for health/lifespan.
2016-07-19 2:33 pm
Certainly is healthier.But the protein content in meat.
2016-07-25 12:11 pm
Ok the main reason is because most people have wayyyy to much fat on their meats when I eat meat I cut off a much fat as possible and a woman that lived to 116 ate around 13 prices of bacon every day
2016-07-20 6:11 pm
Because the meat they buy are produced if you buy it from the store if you hunt for your own meat it wouldn't be as bad for you if you buy the meat at wal mart or any stores it's not as good for you

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